Therefore, education and philosophy are interdependent.”, Role of Philosophy in Educational Policy and Practice. of Punjab in BPS-17 at District Training & Support Centre, Govt. Cohen D (2008) Three Lectures on Post-Industrial Society. This methodology distinguishes four main areas that are subject to structural analysis: education (literacy rate of citizens over 15 years of age, participation rate of citizens in secondary education, participation rate of citizens in higher education); innovation system (number of researchers in the department of research and development per million inhabitants, the number of patents registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office - USPTO per million inhabitants, the number of scientific-research and professional papers per million inhabitants), information and communication technologies (number of telephone connections, fixed and mobile per thousand inhabitants), number of computers per one thousand inhabitants, the number of Internet users per thousand inhabitants) and the legal and economic framework (customs and non-tariff barriers, regulatory quality, functionality of the legal state, i.e., the rule of law). Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. Social power in a society based on humanistic values ​​should be conveyed to all members of society, and hereupon, human dignity, individual rights and interests of all citizens should be respected, allowing unfettered development of society as a guarantor of personal freedom and well-being of all community members. Shaw M (1999) Politics and Globalisation: Knowledge, Ethics and Agency. College for Elementary Teachers (M) Bahawalpur/QAED Bahawalpur. He is bouncy and enthusiastic. How you perceive the process of self-reflecting on teaching practices and education policy in order to utilize research, ethical practice, and other resources to advance the profession. Second major change in the economic paradigm began to realize at the end of the XVIII century with the first industrial revolution. From such a perspective philosophy of education can be regarded as a special ‘knowledge system’ and its function consists in re-including what has been excluded in the process of rationalisation of education; it serves, so to speak, as a special type of reflection knowledge which is as timeless as it is necessary and therefore of meta-national relevance and indispensable for the process of … Citizenship Educationa and Community Engagement, Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices, Complete Guidance to Submit ISA Portfolio, Urdu Calligraphy (Urdu Khushkhati - Khushnavisi), MCQs and Short Questions of Philosophy of Education. Flecha R (1999) New Educational Inequalities, in:Castells M, Flecha R, Freire P, Giroux HA, Macedo D and Willis P: Critical education in the new information age. Norway (KEI: 9.32). This comprehensive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. According to such research, knowledge and education will represent a major resource and a key driver of the economy and the overall economic political progress within the future society. Accordingly, solutions should be the result of a serious, systematic, multidisciplinary research that will allow us to design a well-founded and sustainable education system that will be a foundation of building a self-sustainable and humane society of the future. The philosophy of education is a practical philosophical discipline that explores, studies and promotes the basic principles of education. Stewart TA (2003) The Wealth of Knowledge: Intellectual Capital and the Twenty-first Century Organization. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Digital society requires more flexibility in terms of continuous adjustment and improvement of social institutions. Now learning Urdu Calligraphy is much easy. Researches within the economic science, social sciences and philosophy indicate that our global society goes through a deep structural transformation of the essential principles of governance, i.e., basic change of the economic paradigm is yet to come. Hutchins RM (1953) The Conflict in Education in a Democratic Society. Philosophy is the foundation of knowledge and it is the theory about education. Giddens A (1986) The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. If a man does not believe in his own potential and possibilities, there would be no ethical and rational basis to take the responsibility for his own life, as well as for the development of society and culture, but he  would rather have to search all over again for the authorities that would determine his goals and objectives. In this regard, many of the concepts and much of the knowledge founded within the philosophy of education represent the starting point of modern multidisciplinary research on educational issues. What will be the main features of the new global structure of the economy, and what will be its main attributes, i.e., characteristics and regularities, is a subject of study of economic science, social sciences and philosophy. Philosophy of education, philosophical reflection on the nature, aims, and problems of education.The philosophy of education is Janus-faced, looking both inward to the parent discipline of philosophy and outward to educational practice. (In Croatian). All educational policies and activities can only be fully understood by philosophy. Modern era requires forming and developing of social mentality prepared to face continuous changes and improvements, so accordingly, basic objective of the educational system reforms of the member states of the European Union should not be directed solely to meet the specific needs of the labor market, but also that the European education system should be conceptualized to enable formation of free, responsible individuals who will be active participants in social development. Adler MJ (1998) Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto. Bearing this in mind, it is clear that one man for himself and one generation could not set by themselves foundations on any civilized human and social life. Key words: education policy, philosophy of education, knowledge society, knowledge economy. It is time to reclaim the public role of philosophy. Jessop B, Fairclough N and Wodak R (eds) (2008) Education and the Knowledge-Based Economy in Europe. As part of the educational process based on the humanitarian principles, the encouragement and development of critical awareness has a particular importance. New York: Random House. The development of information technology, accelerated automation of industrial production, construction of 3D printers (which can print three-dimensional objects), nano technology (Gordijn and Cutter 2013), as well as certain breakthroughs in the development of artificial intelligence, have permanently diversified the environment in which the global society will exist and develop. New York: Doubleday. Interaction Between Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice Boris Michailovich Bim-Bada, and Lioudmila Ivanovna Egorovab aMoscow Social University, Moscow, RUSSIA; bThe Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, RUSSIA ABSTRACT The article attempts to analyse the interaction between philosophy of education and teaching practice. Boulder: Westview Press. New York: Basic Books. Finland (KEI: 9.33), 3. Nashville: Turner Publishing. A functional digital society should not have a character of elitist exclusive community, i.e., it is not supposed to be an additional cause of exclusion of certain categories of citizens marginalized from the mainstream of European society. Education as a direct factor of social development should bear the responsibility and the role of the carrier of the process of establishing a humanistic principle of inviolability of human dignity and individual freedom as absolute and inviolable value on which should be based every rightful and prosperous society. Furthermore, the innovation and creativity represent the basic assumption of success of any economic entity. Kant I (2012) Kant on Education (Über Pädagogik). As it is well known that the student is the center of the education. Norway (KEI: 9.11). Philosophy plays a very vital role in shaping educational policy and practice. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. URL: (accessed 2 March 2015). practice of the said knowledge. Therefore, by way of enlightenment and through the popularization of education will be strengthened universal belief in man and in human capabilities, and thusly the dominance of absolute authorities will be surpassed, and building up a society based on humanistic principles will start, the principles of equality and solidarity between people. Sweden (KEI: 9.52), 3. Basic researches in philosophy, and in social and economic sciences, allow us to sketch the outlines of a future postindustrial society of knowledge. Gordijn B and Cutter AM (eds) (2013) In Pursuit of Nanoethics. I envi It is quite real and understandable that this can result in incongruity and opposing of the interests of certain interest groups and institutions. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Philosophy of Education Considered with what ought to be in educational practice. Society of knowledge emphasizes the importance of the independent use of human mind in shaping self-conscious critical worldview. Finally, the student role is unclear in the education process. Education cannot be neutral in excluding of external influences. Education is one of the most important activities of creating of a community of individuals. By way of humanized education, people are supposed to perceive the necessity of social changes leading to the humanization of society and humanization of social relations, but also to face the necessity of losing i.e., waiver of certain social privileges, which by giving temporal welfare and social power to the minority, restrict freedom and social security of most members of the society. Sassen S (2000) Cities in a World Economy. Lorimer R (1994) Mass Communications: A Comparative Introduction. Oakland: University of California Press. Philosophy of Education Serves as the Alpha Omega or the beginning and the end of teaching and learning. The influential French sociologist Alain Touraine highlights the importance of the tertiary sector in the economy of knowledge society (Touraine 1971). Giddens A (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. According to the famous American manager Thomas A. Stewart, there are three main principles characteristic of the knowledge economy: the progress and development of knowledge economy of each individual and social entity in a given economic ambient is based on the productive use of knowledge, as well as on constantly conceiving and implementing appropriate business strategies based on knowledge as a fundamental resource; the intellectual property represents a more important possession of a certain social or physical entity compared to the physical, and even to the financial resources which he has possesses; knowledge is basic carrier of the value of every single product that is created, sold or bought (Stewart 2003). Considering the dynamic social-economic tendencies characteristic of the current civilization moment, it is extremely difficult to perceive the big picture of global transformation process, i.e., the global socio-economic political transition. Reich RB (2012) Beyond Outrage: Expanded Edition - What has gone wrong with our economy and our democracy, and how to fix it. Vintage Books: New York. Castells M (1999) Flows, Networks, and Identities: A Critical Theory of the Informational Society, in: Castells M, Flecha R, Freire P, Giroux HA, Macedo D and Willis P: Critical education in the new information age. Willke H (2007) Smart Governance: Governing the Global Knowledge Society. Where you stand regarding the perceived role of the teacher as a leader and advocate according to some of the ethical frameworks that you have examined. Culture and civilization are a framework in which man exists as a biological, social, historical and spiritual being. Accordingly, the European Union should create educational facilities for the education of professional staff that will be prepared to contribute in conceiving and realizing the transformation of European market of digital services (Official Journal of the European Union 2014). Top-ranked countries according to the Knowledge Economic Index for 2008 are (World Bank 2009): 1. The role of philosophy in education helps stimulate thoughts and makes people think deeper about just everyday stuff. This ISA activity presentation on ‘Handicrafts’ helps how to conduct this activity. The rapid development of science and technology, and in particular the rapid development of information technology, leads inevitably to the revision of the basic economic paradigm globally. Touraine A (2007) New Paradigm for Understanding Today's World. Dewey J (2008) The School and Society. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. Wiig K (2004) People-Focused Knowledge Management: How Effective Decision Making Leads to Corporate Success. Hutchins RM (1947) Education for Freedom. Cambridge: Polity Press. World Bank (2013) Knowledge Economy Index (KEI) 2012 Rankings, URL: (accessed 12 March 2015). 65-82. Denmark (KEI: 9.16 ) 4. Furthermore, Castells says "while information and knowledge always by definition represent an essential element of any process of scientific research and technological development, today, for the first time in the history of new knowledge, it is primarily applied in generating and processing of knowledge and information" (Castells 1999: 45), and thusly  the development of information technology created conditions within the contemporary cultural pattern for building a qualitatively new relationship regarding knowledge, information and education. Within economic sciences, social sciences and philosophical research, there are several theories that are attempting to comprehend the principles of the current social and economic change and to predict the results of current processes of transformation of society and the economy, thus enabling the humanity to be properly prepared for the era that is forthcoming. No policy on education, however, can be formulated without the primary identification of the overall philosophy and goals of the nation. Stehr N (1994) Knowledge Societies. Think about what each of these means to your service delivery and how you can uphold these at a service level. The results obtained by this methodology in principle give a picture of the situation in which the states are, in terms of the willingness of their economies and institutions to function in the conditions of knowledge economy. Philosophy is the foundation of knowledge and it is the theory about education. Philosophy plays a very vital role in shaping educational policy and practice. For example, philosophers of education study what constitutes upbringing and education, the values and norms revealed through upbringing and educational practices, the limits and legitimization of education as an academic discipline, and the relation between educational theory and practice. It is not possible to do that without enabling and encouraging critical thought about the possibilities and ways of resolving the deeply rooted realistic conflicting interests of certain social groups, institutions and individuals, and about the consequences arising out of these contradictions, as well as for the degradation of society and the devaluation of social relations that directly and indirectly affect and jeopardize the interests of all relevant factors. World Bank (2007) Building Knowledge Economies: Advanced Strategies for Development. The development of knowledge society has a major impact on the overall development of educated activity, as well as on redefining and determining the social role of education. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. It will take place within the contemporary philosophy of education, pedagogy and other scientific disciplines whose subject of research is education. For instance, in Saudi Arabia, they treat the student as a receiver, which is unacceptable. London: Penguin Books. That action made a huge gap between student and teacher; also, it changed the real role of the education process. They are directly reflected in educational theory and educational practice and represent the integral, coherent part of society and social life. Accordingly, international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, as well as the regional international organizations, academic, economic and administrative sectors of national states, while planning their future development and their strategic goals, try to anticipate the basic principles and regularities of basic global economic transformation towards the economy of knowledge, i.e., they try to comply the principles of their activities with the rules of conduct dictated by the new transformative economic reality. In the current turbulent period of transition to the knowledge economy, any serious and influential social and economic entity tries to comply the principles of its activity with the rules of conduct dictated by the new transformative economic reality. “the role of government in education” revisited: the theory and practice of vouchers, with pointers to another solution for american education - volume 31 issue 1 - james tooley Castells M (2000) The Rise of the Network Society: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture. Jules is the Policy Director for the Centre for the History of the Emotions, and co-editor of the History of Emotions Blog.He writes regularly about the politics and philosophy of wellbeing on his blog. Cognition, as a spiritual - creative, and at the same time practical - expedient act, is always unique and indivisible in itself. It is the well-grounded attitude of education that allows individual humanization of every human being to take place through the educational process. Thanks to the development of science and technology, structural transformation of national economies takes place. 19. Most essential issues of today are reconceived at conceptualizing the education. New York: Harper Publications. With the development of human civilization and culture, accumulated knowledge is transferred to future generations in expedient, meaningful  and organized way. The three Balkan countries associated to the European Union in 2007, i.e., 2013, accomplished the following results: 39-th place Croatia (KEI: 7.29), 44-th place Romania (KEI: 6.82), 45-th place Bulgaria (KEI: 6.80). It is extremely important for the scientific potentials, both at local and global levels, to be aimed at outlining the modalities of promoting education, i.e., directing the scientific potentials towards strengthening the education and knowledge as essential resources and a key driver of the economy in the knowledge society. Senge PM (2006) The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization. Without their introduction, understanding, acceptance and implementation, he would be a being without self-knowledge and dignity, without goals and well-directed life pathway, no desire for learning about the world and the meaning of existence. Without proper conception and definition of basic cultural and civilizational values, a coherent and consistent theory of education cannot be devised. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, pp. A PHILOSOPHY FOR TEACHERS FRED G. WALCOTT Prof«*cor of Education University of Michigan, Ann Arbor THERE is a common miscon ception abroad, it seems to me, concern ing the nature of philosophy and how it is learned. Cambridge: MIT Press. Only education can allow a person to perceive and develop his potentials and abilities and to affect the material and social conditions that surround him. Given that creative human potential is basically unlimited, it can be accordingly concluded that the knowledge economy has resources that are not limited. Nevertheless, in face of such a situation it seems pertinent to re-think philosophy of education… The Knowledge Assessment Methodology and the Knowledge Economic Index are orientated primarily towards identification of the results accomplished by the national states within their institutional administrative economic and socio-political transformation, in adjusting to the principles of functioning of the knowledge economy. Therefore, education is the cornerstone of the survival and development of human culture and civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ortiz M (2013) Varieties of Innovation Systems - The Governance of Knowledge Transfer in Europe. Temkov K (1993) Open University. Today's civilization is a result of continuous development of mankind through thousands of years. 18. The desire of man to find out who he really is and to understand the world in which he lives is an authentic, genuine human instinct, as old as mankind. The Knowledge Assessment Methodology and the Knowledge Economic Index enable analysis of structural indicators that show the degree of readiness of each country for efficient operation in the conditions of knowledge economy. Processing of information becomes one of the determining factors in the economy and in all areas of our social life (Flecha 1999). The inward/outward looking nature of the field of philosophy ofeducation alluded to above makes the task of delineating the field, ofgiving an over-all picture of the intellectual landscape, somewhatcomplicated (for a detailed account of this topography, see Phillips1985, 2010). World Bank (2009) Knowledge Economy Index (KEI) 2008 Rankings, URL: (accessed 11 March 2015). New York: Cosimo Books. Countries in the European Union which have over 50 million inhabitants according to the Knowledge Economic Index for 2008 had the following results: 8-th place United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (KEI: 9.09), 14-th place Germany (KEI: 8.87), 20-th place France (KEI: 8.47), 27-th place Italy (KEI: 7.86). London: Prentice Hall. To understand various educational issues, philosophy is required. Bell D (1976) The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting. Ulan Press. Admittedly, today’s philosophy of education may fall short of such a bleak description. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. According to the American scientist Robert B. Reich, innovations, innovativity and the creation of new knowledge represent the basic assumptions of the production method characteristic of future society (Reich 2012). Dordrecht: Springer. Furthermore, a slight decline may be noted in the performance of these top-ranked countries which is probably due to the global economic crisis since the end of the first decade of the XXI century. Rapporteur: Isabel Philosophy plays a very important role in influencing the strategy and practice of education. Accordingly, the human race has potential to independently develop its own culture and civilization, while the educators emphasize that only by realizing what the human capabilities are, in an ethical sense can be accepted one’s own responsibility for individual self-realization and own happiness in individual frames, as well as for development of the society and human culture in general. To state the point more clearly, Mango (2011) highlighted that philosophy of education played a central role by being interested in the views of the other foundations, as well as the various methods they used by employing the tools and techniques of philosophy. The main feature of the economy immanent to the knowledge society, i.e., basic feature of the knowledge economy, is that knowledge is a key resource of production, i.e., the fact that knowledge and creativity represent the propellants of overall economic and social development. New York: Teachers' College Press. 37-64. A nation’s policy on education is the government’s way of attaining that aspect of the national goals which can be achieved through the instrumentality of education. The most impressive and most influential theories within the broader scientific discourse concerning the dramatic socio-economic trends are concepts arguing that modern humanity has stepped into a new development era, the era of knowledge society founded on knowledge economy. Social antagonisms and contradictions are based on the reality of social relations. P, Giroux HA, Macedo D and Willis P: Critical education in the new information age. Freire P (1996) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Exit point of the man’s desire for knowledge is founded on his need for knowledge as a means for survival in a variable and harsh reality, and on his quest for knowledge and understanding as a creative act. Knowledge is an integral part of the individual who possesses it and, accordingly, it is his inherent, essential attribute, i.e., immanent segment of his integrity. Education is one of the fundamental human, and at the same time, social activities. 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