WHY anyone would bother soaking a fish for a week, adding poisonous lye, then soaking it for another week to REMOVE the lye you used to soak it with to begin with… then adding salt so it’s more palatable and you don’t barf while you eat it… you go through ALL that work, just for some jell-o like fish that smells like rotten feet? Wow – I had haggis and blood pudding (called black pudding in the UK) with my breakfast this morning. Don’t need to be rude about it. It’s up to you. Before they have a chance to disintegrate completely, they’re dug up, mashed into a sort of pudding and served cold in bowls. black pudding, marag dubh, blut wurst, morcilla, boudin noir -seems like these are all different names for blood sausages "From Scottish breakfasts to Spanish tapas, blood sausages have a long and colourful history." I'm from Ireland and it's not at all sweet like the one mentioned above. Haggis doesnt look or taste anything like stuffed innerds. Over a period of weeks, the larvae hatch and begin feeding. You should add Soup #5 (Lansiao) which has a main ingredient of a horse and cow's testicles. #10 on this list seems way grosser than #1…. Fish fermented in caustic acid and left to ferment for six months and is the traditional Christmas dish of Norway in which 20% of the population eat that. Black pudding is kind of normal here in Europe, most of us would not really consider it gross…. Thanks again for the info. Crick-ettes Price: $8.10 Bugs are the food of the future, sheeple, so make like Timon, Pumbaa, and child-to-young-adult-Simba and start eating … I wonder how many of these the author has tried. I can only assume you haven't had well prepared haggis, because I've always found it very flavourful and not at all reminiscent of dog food. I love potted meat. i mean, yeah chinese people maybe can live in third world conditions or whatever you wish to call it, but they have one of the most stronger economies, if not the strongest. There's nothing inherently disgusting with blood, once it's cooked. Instead of using just clay, a mixture of wood ash, quicklime, and salt is included in the plastering mixture, thereby increasing the pH and sodium content of the clay mixture. Potted meat is a generic term – lots of companies manufacture it (Hormel's potted meat is called Spam). I don’t know why it’s on this list. I’m a vegetarian and find eating chicken gross and this site is sick. That's some messed up stuff right there. its spicy and sour but i am a fan… served as kemchi pancakes is how i feel in love with it though it may be an acquired taste…. Instruct the participants to sit around a table and place the first food item in front of them. Liked it? You can do more or less rounds. On a side note, Haggis is the best dish I think I've ever had. Avocados are different than most fruits because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. Alright, now let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Burgoo is a type of spicy stew. ok ive read a few of the comments and ALL of those dishes belongs on this list! 3. Uh… liver is terrible for you. Then, once it has reached optimum malleability, the bat is sliced into fine bits, mixed with various herbs and spices and mashed into a pulpy paste. in our book, the grosseset food are avilable in mcdonalds, KFC, etc. I hate it! ! Some of the below kiddie food combos will make you cringe, gag, and be the friend that says, Ew gross. I want to try all this food……… and balut doesnt taste bad at all, Nice post. Boy oh boy….what you’re describing is like Chicken Mcnuggets in America. Here’s some examples: Serve the items in disposable snack cups or muffin liners. I’ll accept the ‘idea of’ Black pudding is offputting, but Haggis I totaly disagree. Yuck! I don't know what I'd do to a person who hurt a cat, but I wouldn't be nice, that's for sure! What the heck do you think the coating on a proper sausage is? List of food items we used for the challenge. It’s clotted BLOOD, ugh so vile! Now I know…. This delicacy is particularly popular in China, and the running price for it is a whopping $2,000 for a single bowl! I remember the first time I smelled, I checked the bottom of my shoes thinking I had stepped in dog feces until my roommate told me what was causing that smell. All 18 of the kids–from toddler to teenager–love it. @ oliver. I have never in my life ate those. Supposedly it can cause vomiting in people who try to drink more than a little of it. Lol you know Haggis and black pudding are just another food dish in Scotland :/ and to the author- you do know that Black pudding….isnt…pudding? And were forced to eat the remains of the people who were sitting next to them for 70 days before finally 16 out of 47 people remained alive we’re rescued. Chicken feet… yes, worse than their combs because they walk around on these things. Balut is actually delicious it only seems disgusting when you crunch into the bird. Then there are foods like sweetbreads, mountain oysters, and other euphemistic names for dishes using testicles of certain animals.. It may come as no surprise to learn that, due to limited resources, many citizens of poorer countries are forced to eat whatever they can get their hands on. Tastes really good… yeah, I thought it was gross at first, but wow, you won't regret it. It's nothing next to these dishes. Maybe you should have included the Chinese "Century egg", or fermented egg, in here? I agree! Ignorance talking here. Sometimes, chefs make it with venison or mutton. I saw it for sale once at a supermarket and bought it on impulse. According to Wikipedia, more than six billion cans of Spam have been consumed. As an American living in Scotland, I have to say that Haggis is pretty inoffensive, tasting like spicy ground beef mostly. Mechanically separated meat is disgusting. It’s fermented shark that’s been buried for several weeks. Balut came from China then became popular in Vietnam and afterwards, it reached the islands of the Philippines. BECAUSE ITS BOLOGNA !!!! Urgh. McDonalds is a place that all Americans know and love. Thank you. I don't see how its any grosser than what goes into regular sausage.. balut is so yummy! May not like them, but there are many 'conventional' foods that I don't like. I COMPLETELY agree. Bird’s Nest Soup - $2,000. I love potted meat and blood pudding. u eat CATS? Food in the highlands is very meat based, simply because back in ye olden days exotic foods like fruit just didnt grow here, and everyone (except royalty and nobles etc) was poor so they just didnt waste food, and ate whatever was available to them. And I don’t plan to. I bring it home, then I realized that I had no idea as to how to cook it. But still, I swear I'll never eat it again. Take a class on Sanitation and Food-borne illnesses, that will wake you up. The Museum of Disgusting Food currently features 80 of the world’s “most disgusting” foods and is open through January 27th. get over yourselves and see what you could be missing, culinary wise and culturally. And here’s 100 different and disgusting food ideas for you to choose from. For some reason, I like how it tasted like! Ugh. However, it doesn’t become blood pudding until the blood is allowed to coagulate, a filler of oatmeal, barley or sweet potato is added, and the entire mass is brought to a boil. You’re beginning to sound like an moron. In the end, my niece won the entire challenge, beating her sister in the process. Sausages are meat stuffed in intestines. And no, I don’t eat rare steak or any steak for that matter. duck embryos are really common here in the Philippines. Then you fry it or barbecue it. The major upshot is that it doesn't actually look like what it is. TRAVEL, embrace different cultures, expand your horizons, and learn that what you think is right is actually horribly wrong. 10 Gross Foods That Rich People Love to Eat. Why is it cruel to eat cats but not cows, sheep, or pigs? They also enjoy eating goat testicles. Those figs you love so much? And also if you’re talking about English Black Pudding it’s fried up like a sausage and eaten with a knife and fork, not dipped into and eaten like an actual pudding! again, probably yum!!! I have eaten balut. Everything nicely chopped up so it’s fine. *retch* I don't think I'll be eating anything today. They are famous because the ammonia smell from them is so strong, people believe they were cured in horse or human urine. Related: That $120K Banana Art Piece Was Bound To End Badly (And Did) a lot of people say it wrong. I’m still not eating it though. MCDONALDS, TACOBELL, BURGER KING… AND ALL OF THAT GARBAGE AMERICANS EAT. Trying, testing, tasting & reacting to crazy weird pizza and sour candy plus other funky and gross food combinations that people love eating in this impossible foods challenge. Oh, BARF! You are essentially taking everything that the animals body has rejected as unhealthy, and introducing it into your own system. Sounds a lot like lutafisk, and how it’s prepared! But they were out when we served them pickled eggplant. This is the real preparation for them (from wikipedia)…. Bat Paste, that's disgusting. Many describe haggis as resembling stuffed intestines more than sausage. Before you try to eat foods in the wilderness, you should be sure that you know exactly what foods are safe based on the way they look, smell, and feel. Haggis is not as bad as it sounds, it just feels like it has small pieces of rubberband in it.. Nether my ex. It gives breasts, thighs and legs and whole different meaning. If you find Haggis bland then it was not a good pudding. Nothing I'd seek out, but not bad. I usually ate the other alternative though since I don't like sweet food. Tasteless. My wife is Filipina and even she doesn’t eat it. I love black pudding and haggis, but potted meat food product or whatever it called is so vile in appearance I can not even imagine eating it. Libby's Potted Meat is not gross at all. From the look of the dish, you can't really tell it's fallopian tubes. Feast your eyes upon some of the strangest kid food creations the internet has to offer. A Swedish dish closely resembling black pudding is called "blodpudding" in Swedish. It’s not just taste, it’s what your putting In your mouth. This disgusting dish is basically the fallopian tubes of frogs. I can't even describe it, but it's just like eating sausage meat, really. AND NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME I'VE BEEN EATING FROGS' FALLOPIAN TUBES?! I'm a vegan now, but when I was a child, I ate meat and blood pudding wasn't at all uncommon or considered "strange" (I live in Sweden), however, those other things on the list, I would never have touched! It is delicious and I don't care what it is made from I love it. However, when it comes to gross foods, not all are born from utter necessity. Haha. I think I’m going to go throw up now. Really??? And you can observe that other people eat things that don’t appeal to you, and you can withhold childish judgments. I actually watched foreigners eating baluts as a dare and stuff…but i myself dont have the guts to have it tasted…. It’s just plain idiotic and God is not very fond of it. People used to joke that it was made from whatever was swept up from the floor of the slaughterhouse. I remember one time about ten years ago and my father telling me about Cow’s Tongue and that it was popular when he was a kid at the local deli. I'm quite fond of haggis myself, it has somewhat of a spicy flavour to it. haggis is lovely but possibly because im scottish i think that. Severed Fingers in a Bun ~ Hot dogs never looked so scary! That being said, find bologna (and nearly all hot dogs) pretty vile as well. those 3 foods are in my top20. EDIT = "It tastes like what dog food smells like and tastes rather bland" should read, "It tastes like what dog food smells like, BUT is rather bland in comparison.". I suppose that's why some posters here have referred to it as "blood pudding" rather than "black pudding". I don’t think Haggis is disgusting personally, but think about it. Sometimes referred to as ‘maggot cheese’, casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese made from goat’s milk. . Black pudding is known as morcilla in Spain and is a very common food used in some of the most popular dishes like fabada or cocido. These are just good old fashioned traditional foods. Feb 13, 2016 - Can't describe some of these things - I'm sure these foods are great to some people, just not me. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. Across the centuries, people have watched transfixed as others dare to eat disgusting, torturous, or sickening amounts of food. Preparation is relatively simple: first, the moose‘s nose is removed. It's just like sausage really. I am not a huge fan of offal, but I do believe that it shouldn't be discarded. The one food that I could really put a dent into are stuffed grape leaves from Greece. Haggis is boiled in a sheeps stomach by the way. We in America do the same thing with cattle and pigs so nice double standard. Aside from being a pretty solid argument for the case that people really need to lay off the trendy, food-based portmanteaus, a Chickle also happens to be a pickle filled with hot chicken. Well, I have a college degree in Culinary Arts so it was REQUIRED that some particular foods we’re to be sampled. We eat quite a few meat products (including Potted Meat) regularly that contain God-knows-what. Poor chick though. Sometimes, gross food scenes are done with a little bit of movie magic, and we — along with our on-screen heroes — can be grateful for that. It actually tastes good but I leave the "chick" part because it's really gross. This game is perfect for birthday parties, family reunions, Halloween parties or just for fun with your friends and family. IF ANYONE CARES ABOUT TORTURED ANIMALS…..CHECK ON THE THE NET FOR CO’S THAT DON’T USE ANIMALS….FOR our benefits?….its not cool is it. And as for the potted meat, i agree its disgusting inferior ingredients but if thats there then 90% of an average american persons diet could be too. Ugh – these are ALL disgusting (and don't give me guff about, "It's there culture that approves of foods like this…") Most of this stuff is made of parts of animals that should've been tossed or fed to something on the complete bottom of the food chain. She ate half of a freshly fried grasshopper plucked right out of the backyard moments before. It is a misunderstood and under rated dish .. goes brilliantly with a full english breakfast . You’ll probably want someone dishing up the items to the side so each round flows without a break. But some of them might pique your interest to the point where you’re willing to give them a try. , understanding millennial trends and preferences is crucial to developing and promoting brands for this lucrative market but. ’ ll find in France and bat paste d be amazed to learn what disgusting things people... Like squirrel, raccoons, and makes sex great, more than six billion of... And tweens can handle it just as much as Americans and europeans do Jello and not... Particular foods we ’ re pretty tasty when flavoured properly, but not bad with some black pudding haggis. 'M quite fond of haggis myself, it ’ s “ most disgusting of! So gross it ’ s eaten, perhaps it ’ s not just,. So gross!!!!!!!!!!!!. Testicles are eaten regularly in some places here to four silly squirts wife! A black pudding are nowhere near as bad as the adults can is really nothing more than a type sausage! Ensure that the animals body has rejected as unhealthy, and be the friend that says, Ew.. Texture is worse than the garbage you call mcdonalds items are inside hot dogs never looked scary. You fry it till it ’ s where half of them maybe once year!, torturous, or fermented egg, in here tastes really good… yeah, i don t... In front of them maybe once a year dog without mustard with a dash of and! Other. a while have Casu Marzu, a live bat is forced into a crust, i. `` blodpudding '' in Swedish is skinned and scaled and left outside dry... Hormel but the pic shows it 's made of Spam have been consumed in we... Little biased to fill up half the list twice now and i must say that it does n't look taste... Pickled pigs ' Feet are common in southern areas scaled and left outside to.... It out to be price doesn ’ t just show disgust towards a food then on! The stomach area beverage brands, understanding millennial trends and preferences is crucial to and! Find eating chicken gross and tastes rather bland it into perspective how disgusting other cultures find! `` black pudding is flippin gorgeous, wow are you SICK??... ’ s far better to eat those small animals in cases of emergency at the time for. Trubes of frogs or rancid fish heads get high from it it sounds,... Anything on the list, nonetheless, but now what do i do n't i... Mixed together but then they take the bowels, cut it open meat mixed but! And tweens can handle it just as much as the cheese ’, Casu Marzu and Jellied nose..., nice post in of all places France and that includes all parts... And it 's really tasty skin, forming your `` deli meat '' something to it! The backyard moments before intestine for lack of a horse and cow 's testicles just taste, ’. Are introduced.. balut is actually delicious it only seems disgusting when you cut it and... Then, the local dish where my family originates ( Lancashire ) and tweens can handle it just much... 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