This is particularly crucial when choosing Kikuyu grass for newly planted gardens as initially you may have plenty of sun, but as plants grow, more shade is inevitable. It is affordable and durable, which is the reason it is one of Australia's most popular turf varieties for domestic and commerical uses including sports grounds, ovals and schools. Kikuyu grass is a low-growing, warm-season perennial grass which spreads vigorously by both rhizomes and stolons. Kikuyu is a perennial, warm-season grass, native to East Africa. If your lawn suffers from acute soil compaction, constant weed problems, heavy organic matter deficiencies, you may want to remove the existing weeds and grass and start anew; or you have a new yard, playground or field where you want to plant grass. For example, if you have very sandy soils, organic matter will add structure to the soil, and improve its ability to retain moisture and nutrients. Rake to a rough level. Responds well … The best time to sow a new lawn or to fix up patches of an existing lawn is during spring (August to November) and autumn (March to May). This grass has a creeping growth habit but is far less invasive than kikuyu. We will focus on instant-lawn-laying in this article. We hope to collect some data on this in the future. Before planting, soil should be moistened to a depth of 15cm. Select varieties on the basis of: Vegetative or seed propagated: Seed is not available for common kikuyu. Lift the top piece and remove waste below. Keeping a lawn looking respectable is a challenge. Spray kikuyu grass patches with a post-emergent herbicide. Kikuyu grass is an aggressive invasive type of ground cover. First turf-type Australian bred seeded Kikuyu grass. Planting rate: 1 cutting (runner) per square metre. The turf will usually be ready for mowing within two weeks. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. What does it look like? St. Augustine grass (left) has rounded leaf tips with sharply folded or creased leaf blades, unlike kikuyugrass (right), which has flatter, pointed leaves. Mowing kikuyu grass. Germination of the kikuyu grass seeds should occur in just under two weeks (10 to 14 days). A small patch of Kikuyu grass in a lawn will soon develop into an entire area comprised of the grass. It can be found as a turfgrass due to its overbearing nature and extremely rapid growth. Creeping perennial grasses like Kikuyu are hard to control when they invade as undesirable weeds and spread their stolons throughout Couch grass.This is partly because Kikuyu has the capacity to store energy reserves in its stolons, which means it can survive unfavourable conditions either in tandem or in isolation. Do not lay turf onto dry soil, especially in the warmer months. Grant recently earned a Bachelor of Arts in business management with a hospitality focus from South Seattle Community College. Let the grass establish before mowing it for the first time. Here are five popular varieties in Australia: Kikuyu This grass loves heat, humidity and lots of sun. This type of grass has dark green leaves that have a blunt apex. Rake the bed until it's even and smooth. A native grass in Kenya, it has been introduced to many countries in the world. The … When should I top dress or fertilize my lawn once it has been laid? Plant description. Level the surface and eliminate drainage problems by making the soil drain away from the house. How do I speed up grass seed germination? Top dressing the turf holds additional moisture for the turf, therefore reducing the turf being shocked after harvesting and using your water more efficiently. For drought-tolerant grasses (Kikuyu, but not LM or cool-season grasses) top dress or lawn dress with Grass Factory Eco Organics lawn dressing or topsoil (1,5 cubic meter per 100 square meters of turf). Preparation of Soil before Laying the Lawn The best way to check this is to lift the corner of several turfs to see if the soil is damp underneath. Then, roll out the next to the last row and cut pieces to fit. Apply a thick layer on top of the joins, narrow strips and any low areas. Kikuyu grass. Kikuyu grass is an aggressive invasive type of ground cover. Use an edging tool to trim any curved edges or places where the lawn meets other obstructions. Kikuyu will spread quickly and can establish just from seed on a shoe or lawnmower. GROW & CARE FOR LAWNS Lawns are often the feature of many gardens and are a great addition to the home. Kikuyu grass is renowned for its rapid lush green growth, drought hardiness, resistance to wear, and ability to survive gardener neglect. Add compost or lawn dressing to the soil surface plus 50 g of superphosphate per square metre. LM grass is well suited to home lawns, office parks, rough areas on golf courses and shade areas. Many community sporting ovals choose to use kikuyu grass because lawn care is simple and it is easy to manage on a large field. Redo the worst or most visible areas first. Apply a thick layer on top of the joins, narrow strips and any low areas. Kikuyu grass Pennisetum clandestinum is a very fast growing lawn grass that is common in Kenya. Left unmowed, kikuyugrass will grow up to 18 inches tall with long, pointed leaves. In southern California in the United States, the grass is commonly used on golf courses since it is drought resistant and creates challenging rough. Then compact your soil whole area – this consolidates the soil, making sure that you are not left with soft spots. Plugs are chopped sections of instant roll on grass. Rake the soil to remove rocks, sticks or … … If you want an indigenous garden, plant LM. Kikuyu goes … Water the bed for five minutes. Thorough preparation is very important for the best results. +27 82 907 3532, Business Hours It is a warm season grass suitable for tropical or semi-tropical climates. You do not want it muddy when you go to lay the turf as it makes a messy, uneven job and harder work. Keep watering for a few more weeks. Once its established, it can be tough to remove. Cover the seed with a light coating of sand, then walk the seed into the ground. It will germinate within 48 hours of planting. We recommend cutting it after two weeks, make sure your lawnmower is on its highest setting for the first cut. ... 1.Spray weeds such as couch, kikuyu and paspalum which are difficult to control. +27 11 462 8343 Up to three weeks can go by before fine blades start worming their way out of the soil. Soils with good structure and drainage will produce better results too. The key is to create an environment where the grass can thrive before doing any seeding. Make certain it is legal to plant in your area. Scatter the grass seeds thinly over the soil in the bottom of the furrows and cover them with 1/2 inch of dirt or mulch. Lawn dressing improves the establishment of the grass significantly. Remember that wastage due to cutting and shaping is higher for irregularly shaped lawns, so you may need a bit more than you think. When can I give my lawn its first cut? Johannesburg It keeps the job manageable and makes watering more feasible for homeowners who do not have in-ground sprinklers. Most of the kikuyu plant is under the soil, out of reach of glyphossate. It has been introduced across Africa, Asia, Australia, the Americas, and the Pacific, where it is subject to eradication through management practices. Plant when the soil temperature is 18.3 to 29.4 degrees Celsius. Rake the surface to a fine tilth. Roll the area with a roller to compact soil and to level the desired areas. Kikuyu grass is very easy to propagate through cuttings or simply by transplanting it. Handles tough temperature, wear, part shade and drought conditions. On hot days the unlaid stack of turf should be in the shade and sprinkled with water – do not soak, just a light misty spray. Once you’re satisfied, water the ground and check for puddles. Put an edge around where you don't want grass to grow. Break up your soil with a rototiller to a depth of 12 inches. ANSWER: If you have sun, semi-shade and shade in the same garden, LM would be best. You may need to add landscaping mix to the area if you need to raise the height to surrounding levels. Sowing rate: 1-4 kg/ha: Minimum average annual rainfall (summer dominant) 800 mm. The use of kikuyu, for lawns, recreation areas, parks and sports fields has become increasingly important and, as with pasture, there are management techniques which turn this potential plant pest into a practical, hard-wearing surface. c. Soil preparation: As kikuyu seed is small, having large cloddy soil will be a problem. Find something that will breathe, i.e. Creeping, perennial, hairy, mat-forming grass with very long stolons that root frequently and occasionally climbing to 2+ m when supported by other plants. The key is to create an environment where the grass can thrive before doing any seeding. In warmer areas, Kikuyu grass can be highly invasive and is difficult to control. The steams and leaves of the grass are covered with fine hairs and it is soft to the touch. Turf layed a couple of days after delivery in summer will be dead. 1 3 g per m². When the soil dries enough to be worked, move soil from the high to the low spots. The recovery time of grass after heavy traffic and damage was kept to a minimum. Call your local extension office or Fish and Wildlife branch to identify whether Kikuyu grass is considered a noxious weed. Cenchrus clandestinus. If you want to replant a large lawn, you may want to tackle it in sections. Grounds Magazine: Living and Succeeding with Kikuyu Grass, University of California-Davis: Kikuyugrass. Kikuyu grass is renowned for its rapid lush green growth, drought hardiness, resistance to wear, and ability to survive gardener neglect. Don’t dig weeds … Grass species vary greatly in durability, shade tolerance and ability to withstand cold spells. During winter, Kikuyu grass continues to grow when other warm-season turf types stop. Kikuyu grass is a low-growing, warm-season perennial grass which spreads vigorously by both rhizomes and stolons. We’ve compiled some tips to help you with the process. Watering for the first two weeks is critical. When you approach the opposite side, add one full row next to your perimeter pieces. About $300.00 worth of chemical, spray spray spray, everybody said would never get rid of the Kikuyu, well three years down the track, it virtually all gone. A plant which has all the attributes of a rampant weed, clearly kikuyu, in the right place, and with the right management, can be extremely useful. The famed Riviera Country Club and Torrey Pines Golf Course both use this grass and host tournaments on the PG… It looks good immediately, and the lawn can be used much sooner than seeded lawns. Also has long rhizomes. Mobile. Kikuyu was imported to South Africa in the 1950s from Kenya and is used to grow sports fields, because of its fast-growing tempo. an old bed-sheet or shade-cloth wetted with water. You may need to peg grass on sloping areas to prevent movement. It creates excellent pasture forage and tolerates heavy grazing. If kikuyu continues to grow rapidly after mulching and undersowing and threatens establishment of the ryegrass, lightly graze the pasture for 2-3 hours /day every 7-10 days after undersowing. Soft, drooping, bright green to yellow-green leaves (5-40 x 3-9 cm) are alternate, sparsely hairy above and below, have folded blades and a fringe of hairs around the leaf where it wraps around the stem. Even after the critical first few weeks are over you may have to check that the soil has not dried up. Wear Tolerance. Grass Factory Eco Organics compost can be used to fertilize in spring. It’s a good choice when you need an ultra-durable, fast-growing grass, but it can be invasive. Consider fertilising the turf with Grass Factory Eco Organics compost about 2 – 3 months after laying to give it that extra boost. You can also rent a roller and roll it in if the area is large. It normally becomes dormant in areas that experience frost and will reshoot at the first sign of spring. Let the grass grow higher and mow less often during the hot months (this helps keep the soil hydrated). A plant which has all the attributes of a rampant weed, clearly kikuyu, in the right place, and with the right management, can be extremely useful. ... Kikuyu grass became very popular across South Africa, professionally and domestically. Hard wearing. Water twice daily for the first two weeks, then daily after that. Susceptibility to kikuyu yellows: Important where yellows is an important disease and where problem cannot be effectively overcome by management. Bonnie Grant began writing professionally in 1990. Kikuyu Botanical Name. Try not to leave any gaps between the turves, but if they do occur, they can be filled with topsoil and lightly firmed. If you are just in the process of sowing your Kikuyu seed, it’s important to ensure the soil stays moist while the grass takes hold. It was brought to South Africa as a lawn and pasture grass. Its ability to spread quickly makes it ideal for lawns that take a hammering from children or pets. Make sure that there is complete contact between the underside of the turf and the topsoil. Preparing kikuyu grass cuttings. True Blue Turf offers a plug planting service for areas over 1,000m2. Some qualities of the Emerald Kikuyu are: First turf-type Australian bred seeded Kikuyu grass. Growth is slow at the start, but kikuyu grass quickly speeds up after that and will spread across the entire surface it was sown on. This is particularly crucial when choosing Kikuyu grass for newly planted gardens as initially you may have plenty of sun, but as plants grow, more shade is inevitable. Apply a thin layer to the rest of the turf. The ideal soil pH for Kikuyu is 5.5-7.0, but it can tolerate levels as low as 4.5. It was planted on ditch banks in an attempt to stop erosion, but it rapidly jumped over into the surrounding countryside. Some lawns (Kikuyu, Tifsport & All Seasons) can be laid at any time of the year. Till the lawn area until the soil is broken up at least 6 inches deep. The burning question is how to remove Kikuyu grass while protecting the surrounding vegetation. Select varieties on the basis of: Vegetative or seed propagated: Seed is not available for common kikuyu. If you over-water, you may find it difficult to mow without leaving footprints on the turf. It will also improve the drainage. Kikuyu grass is a perennial favourite for lawns throughout Australia. Grazing too soon after sowing may reduce seedling ryegrass population by … You should start away from your stack of the lawn if possible to avoid walking continually over the newly laid instant lawn. Kikuyu is a perennial, warm-season grass, native to East Africa. How often must I water my lawn? The seed is not picky in its establishment. Kikuyu is a hard wearing lawn which forms a dense carpet and spreads quickly. Compare different grass types Buy this grass How does Kikuyu grass look like. Kikuyugrass weeds (also spelled kikuyu grass) are native grasses in East Africa, so when the turfgrass was imported, it adapted readily to the warm, temperate climates on the coast and inland valleys of California. Dig in thoroughly and rake the surface again. It is important to keep the top 1cm moist at all … It’s worth taking time over this part of the job to avoid uneven settling of the soil later on. For drought-tolerant grasses (Kikuyu, but not LM or cool-season grasses) top dress or lawn dress with Grass Factory Eco Organics lawn dressing or topsoil (1,5 cubic meter per 100 square meters of turf). If necessary, tamp or roll the turf lightly as you go along. Let the grass grow higher and mow less often during the hot months (this helps keep the soil hydrated). QUESTION: What type of grass should I plant? Do other areas the following year. Handles tough temperature, wear, part shade and drought conditions. Try to avoid using peat as the source of organic matter; it is better to use Grass Factory Eco Organics compost. Originally from topical eastern Asia, this grass was introduced as a favoured species for both lawns and pastures. It has deep roots in dense soils and is typically the dominant species in low in harder soils. Less invasive than other varieties. Kikuyu Grass. The sooner you lay it, the better the results will be. It also has been used for soil stabilisation. Even if you decide to physically remove it, if you leave the smallest piece of runner, root system or seed in the soil, it will re-invade. Remove rocks and debris from the planting area. If you are going to plant a Kikuyu lawn next to garden beds, now is the time for some careful planning. Kikuyu grass became very popular across South Africa, professionally and domestically. To kill kikuyu grass this way, you must remain vigilant and dig any new patches that sprout up as soon as you spot them. As a warm season grass, Emerald Kikuyu grows best over summer when … FAQ’s Kikuyu was imported to South Africa in the 1950s from Kenya and is used to grow sports fields, because of its fast-growing tempo. Kikuyugrass, Pennisetum clandestinum, (Fig. Call your local extension office or Fish and Wildlife branch to identify whether Kikuyu grass is considered a noxious weed. A depth of at least 50 mm (may vary due to soil type, rocks and other matter) of good Grass Factory Eco Organics landscaping mix or compost is recommended for grass to grow in. Avoid leaving narrow strips at the outer edges, as they will not retain moisture as well at the edge, especially if not top-dressed. It infests lawns, gardens, orchards and abandoned land. When fitting together two pieces of lawn at an angle; lay one piece over the other and cut through both at once. Here are more best practices in kikuyu lawn maintenance: Cut the grass short and often during the wet months (the grass grows faster during this period). It is ideal to dampen down the area about 4 – 12 hours before you lay the turf. Creeping, perennial, hairy, mat-forming grass with very long stolons that root frequently and occasionally climbing to 2+ m when supported by other plants. In lawns*: LawnPro Prickle and Hydrocotyle will suppress kikuyu without harm to the lawn grass.You can also kill persistent kikuyu by spot treating with Weed Weapon Invade Gel.Using these along with promoting your lawn grass with good maintenance and application of LawnPro 7 Day Green or Lawn Thickener.In these … For best establishment, ideally you’ll plant your Kikuyu Pure in late spring or through summer, when the mercury is hovering within the ideal 18-29 degree range. Start laying the turf along a straight side, butting the ends close together. Apply a thin layer to the rest of the turf. Kikuyu (Cenchrus clandestinus) is a subtropical, perennial C4 grass that is widely used as a pasture and turf. Noonan has tolerance to kikuyu yellows. Make sure you order enough lawn for your needs. These runners can be planted in the ground, just like seed, to grow a brand new lawn. Soft, drooping, bright green to yellow-green … Once an invasion of Kikuyu has been noticed in a Buffalo lawn, it is imperative the lawn owner takes immediate action to kill the Kikuyu grass as quickly as possible. Kikuyu Turf. Also has long rhizomes. Kikuyu can tolerate high foot traffic and is known for its overall toughness and ability to recover after being mangled by playing kids and dogs Buffalo A broad-leaved grass … Turf takes about six months before it settles in after you have mowed it a few times. A native grass in Kenya, it has been introduced to many countries in the world. Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) is an invasive perennial grassy weed. About Kikuyu Grass. An otherwise aggressive grower, Kikuyu can take longer than you might expect to germinate. It’s well worth adding about 10% extra turf rather than find that you’re a few metres short at the end of the job. It is a warm season grass suitable for tropical or semi-tropical climates. If you have heavy clay soil, the addition of organic matter will help break up the clay and make it easier to work with. It is very important to start watering the turf as soon as you have laid it. Scientific Name. At this stage, it’s well worth thinking about working organic matter (Grass Factory Eco Organics compost) into your soil. Read the instructions on the pack carefully before you use any garden herbicide. Prepare the planting area by turning over the soil with a garden fork. Maybe we need to plant kikuyu everywhere? Seed or Instant Lawn Top the area with 1 inch of sand and till it in to increase drainage and reduce compaction. In order to help you achieve the right results with even less effort, we have gathered a couple of tips and tricks that you can apply when growing Kikuyu grass: The perfect place to grow this grass would be in a big open space with very little shade. +27 82 907 3857, Pretoria Watering and Mowing You will find that during your first winter, the turf will lose more colour than what it will in the subsequent winters. Poor summer grass weed control will result in poor kikuyu establishment resulting in a poor weedy pasture. Kikuyu Grass comes from tropical eastern Africa, and is named after the Kikuyu people of Kenya. It creates excellent pasture forage and tolerates heavy grazing. Pennisetum clandestinum. 1) is an extremely aggressive perennial weed of turfgrass, ornamental plantings, orchards, and noncrop areas in California.Native to East Africa, kikuyugrass is well adapted to warm, temperate climates such as those of the coast and inland valleys of Southern and Central California. For a full sun garden, plant Kikuyu. Whether you should use the lower … Low maintenance. Kikuyu grass has excellent wear tolerance and a quick recovery rate due to … “So in dry conditions kikuyu grass might act as a nurse species for the young natives! When replacing an old lawn, you may need to spray it with glyphosate (Roundup). Plant when the soil temperature is 18.3 to 29.4 degrees Celsius. Latin name: Cenchrus clandestinus. This will ensure the seed doesn't blow away before germination. Dig the area over thoroughly, to a depth of at least 15cm. It was brought into California in the 1920s in an effort to arrest erosion. … Till the lawn area until the soil is broken up at least 6 inches deep. Stolons/runners being propagated from selected strains are true- to-type and are weed free. Another problem with overwatering is that it encourages the development of lawn diseases. Landline. The ease of cultivation, and the thickly matting habit, have made this species desirable for use as a lawn. LM grass also performs well in full sun. Kikuyu grass Pennisetum clandestinum is a very fast growing lawn grass that is common in Kenya. Apply at least 2cm to 3cm to newly laid Kikuyu grass, ensuring your water deep enough to soak the soil to between 7cm to 10cm. It was brought into California in the 1920s in an effort to arrest erosion. Kikuyu grass is an aggressive invasive type of ground cover. It is a noxious weed in California, for instance, and is illegal to plant there. Once the turf has been laid you should water it and keep it moist for 14 days. Kikuyu grasses are of the family Poaceae. Instant lawn is also better suited to sloping terrain where seed would be washed to low areas after the first hard rain. Kikuyu … Hemera Technologies/ Images. Each section has nodes (joints) which will produce growth, if properly planted. +27 12 817 2118 Never let the turf dry out in the first 2-3 weeks, or until the roots have gone well down into the soil. subtropical perennial grass that is suitable for sandy soils This fact sheet provides information on establishment, management and use of kikuyu in the temperate zone of southern Australia under rain fed conditions Kikuyu – the plant Kikuyu is a creeping, subtropical perennial grass that forms a dense turf, is tolerant of continuous heavy Kikuyu grass is very tolerant to a wide range of soil types but for best results aim for a soil pH of around 6.5. The recovery time of grass after heavy traffic and damage was kept to a minimum. Let’s start with some common mistakes when laying lawn –. Once the root system of your Kikuyu grass has fully established, water thoroughly only when needed, that is when you see signs of slight leaf wilting. 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