Recent clinical evidence also pointed to the role of the subchondral bone alterations in the course of spontaneous and surgical cartilage repair. Figure 3d. 4,27. These lesions have a characteristic appearance on magnetic resonance (MR) images, demonstrating well-defined rounded areas of fluidlike signal intensity on unenhanced images (1,2).No evidence of epithelial lining has been detected in prior histologic studies (2–5). (d) MR image obtained 6 months later shows restoration of the subchondral bone plate (arrowhead). Unlike the appearance in primary osteonecrosis, the line is incomplete, and edema appears on both sides of the line. The purpose of this study was to use dual-modality, preclinical imaging to monitor the initiation and progression of SBC occurring within an established rodent model of knee OA. Our findings support the hypothesis that interspinous cysts could result from repetitive bone stresses through the cruciate ligaments. Trial registration Testicular veins were visualized in all patients. Osteoarthr. A bone contusion (* in b) is visible at the posterior aspect of the lateral tibial plateau. Subchondral bone cysts are present in ~50% of subjects with knee OA [6,7] and in 13.6% of healthy volunteers [8]. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a term for a distinct clinical-pathologic entity: a pathologic condition that affects subchondral bone formation and may result in an unstable subchondral fragment, disruption of adjacent articular cartilage, and possible separation of the fragment. Advanced SIF in a 69-year-old woman with several months of unrelenting knee pain after walking down stairs. The terms bone bruise or bone contusion refer to trabecular microfractures that manifest as a pattern of bone marrow edema on MR images, without contour abnormalities or a discrete fracture line (2,9,10). MRI features that aid in diagnosis include the location and extent of bone marrow edema, the presence of a fracture line, a hypointense area immediately subjacent to a subchondral bone plate, and a subtle or gross deformity of the bone plate. BMLs were also assessed semiquantitatively using the Whole Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS). The actual defect may or may not be present on MR images, depending on the stage of the process. Osteoblastomas also have a more varied clinical presentation than osteoid osteomas and may not respond to aspirin. Osteochondral defect is a term for a localized defect of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone. It has been suggested that bone marrow edema-like (BME) lesions in the knee are associated with progression of osteoarthritis (OA). Full-thickness cartilage loss is present (arrowheads), accompanied by subchondral sclerosis (immediately under the tissue near the arrowhead in a). BML location, however, did not influence symptoms. The clinical significance of AVN largely depends on the likelihood or presence of articular collapse. Subchondral bone cysts are a widely observed, but poorly understood, feature in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Fifty-seven percent of knees had BMLs at baseline, of which 99% remained the same or increased in size at followup. Differences in cartilage signal intensity were significant for the staged model using a special three-dimensional MRI method (P < 0.05) but not using ordinary MRI. CONCLUSION: Most subchondral cysts demonstrated full or partial contrast enhancement, and were located adjacent or in the midst of enhancing BMLs. A CT scan is a useful technique to rule out a possible depression of the subchondral bone plate, whereas a CT arthrography is highly accurate to evaluate the stability of the osteochondral fragment in osteochondritis dissecans. This method showed that BMLs, subchondral cysts and subchondral bone attrition are positively correlated with histological synovitis severity. The aim of this article is to describe the roles and limitations of conventional radiography and MRI in imaging of OA, and also to give insight into the use of other modalities such as ultrasound, scintigraphy, computed tomography (CT) and CT arthrography in clinical practice and research in OA, particularly focusing on the assessment of knee OA in the tibiofemoral joint. These findings suggest a multicompartmental disease process in the knee, characterized by associations among features across the entire joint, as well as compartmental disease processes in each knee compartment, characterized by associations among features within specific compartments. Osteochondral fracture with a subchondral bone plate depression in an 18-year-old man. The purpose of this pictorial review is to present an overview of those common interpretation errors and pitfalls in MRI of the knee. In the MOST-study, 400 participants who have or are at high risk of developing knee OA were examined with MRI after gadolinium administration and the vast majority of subchondral cysts showed full enhancement on fat-suppressed T1-weighted MOAKS, MRI in OA knee score; Vol.Voxel, volume (ml) of voxels with "plateau" or "washout" patterns; ME, maximum enhancement; IRE, initial rate of enhancement; TTP, time difference between the start of the enhancement and the plateau phase of peak enhancement Skeletal Radiol images, ... Hyperintensities within osteophytes that were not extending beyond the margins of osteophytes into the subchondral bone were not included. The structure of an SBC has been derived and distinguished from other joint pathologies (i.e. Methods Subchondral bone cysts (SBCs) were detected on 72 knees of these 140 knees. Results Subchondral cysts (geodes) in arthritic disorders: pathologic and radiographic appearance of the hip joint AJR Am J Roentgenol. The participants had a mean age of 60.8 years, mean BMI of 34.5 kg/m², mean KOOS-pain of 63.7 (0–100 scale), and mean bone marrow lesion sum score of 6.5 (0–45 scale). The bone marrow edema pattern zone and the zone with a normal MR imaging appearance differed significantly in the presence of bone marrow necrosis (P =.021), bone marrow fibrosis (P =.014), and abnormal trabeculae (P =.011) but not in the prevalence of bone marrow edema (P =.069). Histologically, articular cartilage is organized into four layers, each characterized by a different cellular composition and orientation of collagen fibers that produce gradual variations in signal intensity: superficial, transitional, deep (radial), and calcified layers (2). (a) Radiograph demonstrates the absence of normal ossification in the subchondral area of the medial femoral condyle (arrow). 64-MDCT enables evaluation of testicular veins in all patients. Figure 4b. Once the diagnosis is established, it is important to report pertinent MRI findings that may guide treatment of each condition. The diagnosis was a collapsed SIF with secondary osteonecrosis (SONK). Eighty-three percent of the lesions appeared largest on the PD-w FS sequence. The multicenter study group Research in OCD of the Knee (ROCK) recently has proposed a radiographic classification system to improve interobserver reliability (54). This is the first study to use clinical QCT to explore subchondral tibial cysts in patients with knee OA and provides further evidence of the relationships between subchondral cysts and clinical OA characteristics. Over a 2-year period, 23.9% of subjects had cysts progress, 13.0% developed new cysts, and 11.4% had cysts regress. The subjects underwent imaging at 1.5 T before, immediately after, and 42-60 minutes after intravenous administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine. The calcified cartilage layer may be unmasked by using very short echo time (often referred to as “ultrashort” echo time) imaging (2,6); however, it cannot be separated from the subchondral bone during routine clinical pulse sequences. The changes in bone linked to subchondral sclerosis show up on MRI and X-ray scans. ... Two prospective cohorts with low quality unadjusted analyses of cysts found an association with structural progression of OA [77,88]. All left testicular veins drained into left renal vein. Significant differences were observed for volumetric measurements between all three sequences (P < 0.001), however the mean volume difference between PD-w FS and T1-w FS CE (38%) was much smaller than for non-FS T1-w and PD-w FS/T1-w FS CE sequences (195% and 114%, respectively). We aimed to evaluate the normal anatomy and variations of testicular veins by multidetector CT (MDCT). Contrast-enhanced MRI examination may be a viable tool for early diagnosis of osteoarticular disease. Diagram (a), coronal proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed MR image (b), and sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image (c) show a bone marrow edema pattern “painting” the entire medial femoral condyle (* in b). Osteochondral fracture in a 32-year-old man with a hyperextension injury associated with a posterior cruciate ligament tear (not shown). It seems appropriate to differentiate pure bone marrow edema-like signal from associated subchondral cysts since emerging evidence shows that subchondral cysts develop in preexisting regions of subchondral bone marrow edema-like signal [6,10. 293, No. Full-thickness cartilage loss is present (arrowheads), accompanied by subchondral sclerosis (immediately under the tissue near the arrowhead in a). Keywords: bone marrow lesion, cyst, MRI, knee, osteoarthritis * Correspondence: At 4 weeks post-ACLX, 75% of the rodent knees had at least 1 cyst that formed in the medial tibial plateau; by 12 weeks all ACLX knees contained SBC. SIF involves a physiologic force applied to weakened trabeculae, often in association with osteopenia and diminished protective function of the articular cartilage and meniscus, which leads to a fracture along the subchondral area of the bone. Conventional radiography detected subchondral cysts in 3 of them, while MRI disclosed that all of the subchondral cysts were at the tibial plateau, close to the intercondyloid eminence. Increased fluid exudation from overlying and opposing cartilage, increased fluid depressurization, and increased cartilage tissue strains could lead to chondrocyte death and cartilage damage. The cores were perfusion-tested to determine the hydraulic conductance, or ease of fluid flow, in their native state and after enzymatic removal of cartilage. The purpose of this study was to use quantitative MRI techniques to characterize the articular cartilage and subchondral bone within the knee of two athletic groups: (1) a high‐knee impact group consisting of collegiate basketball players, and (2) a non‐knee impact group of collegiate swimmers. These osseous injuries are the result of impaction of the lateral femoral condyle against the posterolateral tibial plateau during internal rotation and anterior translation of the tibia accompanying an anterior cruciate ligament rupture (arrow in d). Subjects with serial images were assessed (N = 50) for STV and subchondral BML volume. Osteochondral fracture with a subchondral bone plate depression in an 18-year-old man. The distal femoral growth plate is open (* in a and b). It seems appropriate to differentiate pure bone marrow edema-like signal from associated subchondral cysts since emerging evidence shows that subchondral cysts develop in preexisting regions of subchondral bone marrow edema-like signal (Carrino et al., 2006; The purpose of this study was to examine gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for monitoring cartilage degeneration. This condition remains poorly understood and, despite years of collaborative research, there is no consensus regarding its etiology, natural history, or treatment (41,42). Administration of gadolinium for an MR arthrogram may be employed. (b–d) Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image (b), proton-density–weighted MR image (c), and CT image (d) show a curvilinear fracture (arrow in b and c) encircling a portion of subchondral bone and overlying cartilage. Patients with acute trauma, infection, neoplasm, or osteonecrosis were excluded. Focal discontinuity of the subchondral bone plate is seen (arrowhead). (c) Radiograph obtained 6 months later shows the progression of normal ossification (arrow). The diameter of the SBC increased significantly over time (P = 0.0033) and the vBMD significantly decreased at 8 weeks post-ACLX (P = 0.033). For each of the medial and lateral compartments, generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the longitudinal relationship of tibiofemoral BMLs to the tibiofemoral cartilage score, with adjustment for malalignment. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Its benefit over radiography relate to its enhanced ability to identify structural changes prior to the presence of radiographic disease. SBCs are a sign of osteoarthritis (OA), a disorder in which the cartilage between joints wears away. Coronal T1-weighted, proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed, and sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR images (left to right in each row of a, b, and c) at presentation (a) show extensive bone marrow edema (* in a), hypointense fracture lines, and areas of low signal intensity subjacent to the subchondral bone plate (arrowheads in a) associated with minimal flattening of the articular surface; images obtained 6 months later (b) show articular surface collapse (black arrow in b) associated with numerous cystlike areas (white arrow in b) and marrow edema confined to the periarticular region; images obtained at 16 months (c) show that a large saucerized articular surface defect has formed (arrows in c). A bone contusion (* in b) is visible at the posterior aspect of the lateral tibial plateau. Several reliable semiquantitative scoring systems have been applied to large observational cross-sectional and longitudinal epidemiologic studies and interventional clinical trials. It is a morphologic finding that may be seen in various conditions and that produces a scalloped defect along the articular surface of the bone (Fig 1). These types of tears dramatically increase contact pressure across the joint (25). As cysts can regress, they may also provide therapeutic targets in knee OA. The most common histologic findings in bone marrow edema-like lesions include bone necrosis, fibrosis, hemorrhage, and trabecular abnormalities, while edema is infrequent (64–66). At MRI, SIF is associated with marked bone marrow edema emanating from the subchondral region and extending over large areas (10,17,18), often involving the entire femoral condyle. Osteochondral defects-the type of defects that extend into the subchondral bone-account for about 5% of all articular cartilage lesions. An osteochondral defect of the femoral condyle (✩) may be the result of several acute and chronic conditions that produce a surface deformity with a localized defect of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Osteonecrosis is a common condition that is the result of a reduction or complete loss of blood supply to the bone. Note the peripheral extrusion of the medial meniscus (black arrow in b) from a posterior horn tear (not shown). The original MOCART scoring system evaluates the subchondral bone either as intact (attributed score = 1) or not intact (attributed score = 0) meaning edema, granulation tissue, cysts or sclerosis. Subchondral bone plate vascularity was altered with increasing stages of OA. Subchondral bone cyst (SBC) formation [ 1 ] is frequently present on radiographs in knee osteoarthritis (OA). The distal femoral physis is closed (*). In vivo 9.4 T MRI and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scans were performed consecutively prior to ACLX and 4, 8, and 12 weeks post-ACLX. The absence of bone marrow edema, morphology and location of the lesion, and the age of the patient should aid in the important differentiation of a developmental variant of ossification from OCD (56,57). The apparent thickness of the subchondral bone plate also may be altered by chemical shift misregistration artifact caused by the high–fat-content voxels of the underlying bone marrow, which results in a substantially thicker appearance of the subchondral bone plate (7,8). PROSPERO registration number: CRD 42013005009. Authors of many studies have emphasized the role of chronic repetitive trauma in active children, particularly those who are high-level athletes (52,53). Our aim was, using contrast-enhanced (CE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to examine the effect of vitamin D therapy on synovial tissue volume (STV) and also subchondral bone marrow lesion (BML) volume in men and women with symptomatic knee OA. (a) Radiograph shows a localized ossification defect of the medial femoral condyle containing linear calcifications (white arrow) and surrounded by sclerosis (black arrow). SBCs, bone marrow lesion (BML), and hip-knee-ankle (HKA) axis were measured by using validated methods. More important are the localized abnormalities in the subchondral region, best shown on T2-weighted and proton-density–weighted MR images. Bone marrow edema surrounding the infarct is present on the femoral side (* in c) but not the tibial side. This chapter will focus on the subchondral bone and its relevance for reconstructive cartilage surgery. You can request the full-text of this article directly from the authors on ResearchGate. (a) Initially, a large area of necrosis shows normal marrow signal intensity that represents mummified fat (black *) outlined with a sclerotic rim (arrows) that is convex to the articular surface. AimsTo investigate the impact of subchondral bone cysts (SBCs) in stress-induced osseous and articular variations in cystic and non-cystic knee models using finite element analysis.Materials and Methods3D knee joint models were reconstructed from computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Osteochondral fracture with a subchondral bone plate depression in an 18-year-old man. (MR images courtesy of Douglas W. Goodwin, MD, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine.). ... Subchondral bone cysts were initially thought to result from degenerative changes to cartilage, creating a communication between subchondral bone and the synovial space, allowing breach of synovial fluid into the marrow space [4,5]. Objectives Geodes were uniformly noted in areasofmaximal articular space loss,particularly along thesuperior middle andouter thirds … Twenty-three (54%) of 42 specimens contained one or more cystic areas, with a total of 30 cystic areas. Figure 8c. Of the 86 arthroscopically proven abnormalities, 81 were detected on MR imaging. Common entities include acute traumatic osteochondral injuries, subchondral insufficiency fracture, so-called spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee, avascular necrosis, osteochondritis dissecans, and localized osteochondral abnormalities in osteoarthritis. Four hundred knees were included (1 knee per person, 5600 subregions). Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR images of the knee obtained through the medial compartment (a) and the posterior cruciate ligament (b) show a large crater at the medial femoral condyle (* in a) and an OCD fragment (arrow in b) displaced into the intercondylar notch. Subchondral cystlike lesions are well-defined rounded areas of fluid signal intensity; they may contain necrotic bone debris, myxoid and adipose tissue, fibrous elements, or proteinaceous material and are lined by a nonepithelial fibrous wall (67,68). Recent studies have indicated associations between subchondral bone cysts and pain [8] as well as bone marrow lesions (BMLs) in patients with knee OA, ... Histological analysis indicates that the lesions contain a mixture of bone marrow, sclerotic and necrotic bone, fibrous marrow tissue, and lymphocytic elements (Eriksen and Ringe, 2012;Hunter et al., 2009;Muratovic et al., 2016). Figure 11a. Diagram of the fluid-sensitive MR image (a) and sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed (b), coronal T1-weighted (c), and proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed (d) MR images show a subchondral fracture (arrow in b and c) as a curvilinear hypointensity surrounded by bone marrow edema, without associated contour deformity. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. It is based on individual presentations from the Instructional Course Lecture “Subchondral bone and reason for surgery” (Table 11.1). The spectrum of acute traumatic injuries to the articular surface of the bone includes bone bruises and chondral, subchondral, and osteochondral fractures. Although pathological processes might selectively target a single joint tissue, ultimately all of the components of the osteochondral unit will be affected because of their intimate association, and thus the biological and physical crosstalk among them is of great importance. As demonstrated in studies of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (35), bone marrow edema distal to the infarct constitutes an indirect sign of articular collapse. Figure 2. The presence and size of subchondral cysts and bone marrow edema-like lesions (BMLs) were scored semiquantitatively in each subregion on non-contrast-enhanced MRI from 0 to 3. Design: 99mTc-DPD-SPECT/CT and MRI of 27 knees of 25 patients with chronic knee pain and risk factors for osteoarthritis (OA) were evaluated by one nuclear physician and one radiologist. Bone scintigraphy is one of the most valuable techniques for early diagnosis of spontaneous osteonecrosis about the knee. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of PFA based on preoperative radiographic severity of patellofemoral arthritis. In conclusion, both stress-shielding by pressurized fluid, and osteocyte death may cause cyst growth. Figure 19a. OCD in the extended classic location in a 19-year-old man, with features of instability applicable to both juvenile and adult OCD. Diagram (a) and coronal proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed MR image (b) show an irregular hypointense line parallel to the subchondral bone plate (a) and curvilinear and open-ended laterally (white arrow in b), amid extensive bone marrow edema–like signal intensity in the subchondral region (*). Figure 14a. Design: Retrospective cohort of 32 patients with two sequential knee MRI. When sacs of fluid form inside an individual's joints, it is known as a subchondral bone cyst. Figure 17b. Coronal T1-weighted, proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed, and sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR images (left to right in each row of a, b, and c) at presentation (a) show extensive bone marrow edema (* in a), hypointense fracture lines, and areas of low signal intensity subjacent to the subchondral bone plate (arrowheads in a) associated with minimal flattening of the articular surface; images obtained 6 months later (b) show articular surface collapse (black arrow in b) associated with numerous cystlike areas (white arrow in b) and marrow edema confined to the periarticular region; images obtained at 16 months (c) show that a large saucerized articular surface defect has formed (arrows in c). Results: Figure 5d. AVN of the medial femoral condyle in a 29-year-old woman with lupus. Intra-articular Corticosteroid Injections in the Hip and Knee: Perhaps Not as Safe as We Thought? It has been postulated that cysts are the consequence of traumatic bone necrosis following impact of two opposing articular surfaces: cysts are seen as the result of local compartmental load [3335]. Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the associations between four radiographic features (joint space narrowing, osteophyte formation, sclerosis and cysts) across and within the three knee compartments (medial tibiofemoral, lateral tibiofemoral and patellofemoral compartment) in knee OA. In this chapter, we will give insight into the roles and limitations of conventional radiography and MRI in imaging of OA, and also describe the use of other modalities including ultrasound, tomosynthesis, computed tomography, and nuclear medicine in clinical practice and research in OA, particularly focusing on the assessment of knee. The two layers appear as one low-signal-intensity band overlying the subarticular marrow. However, the extent of bone marrow edema has no prognostic significance (17,21). Methods We included 74 patients (91% female, mean (SD) age of 67.9 (5.3) years) with MRI of the dominant hand and conventional radiographs taken at baseline and 5-year follow-up. In a large clinical trial of rituximab in adult and juvenile myositis, the primary outcome was not met, but most patients met trial criteria of improvement and rituximab use was associated with a significant glucocorticoid-sparing effect. In general, these injuries are more common in young active patients and usually are the result of high-impact force applied to a normal bone that has sustained an acute injury. Subchondral bone cysts commonly occur adjacent to a treated focal cartilage defect and are possibly connected to the joint cavity. Conventional radiography is still the first and most commonly used imaging technique for evaluation of a patient with a known or suspected diagnosis of OA. These osseous injuries are the result of impaction of the lateral femoral condyle against the posterolateral tibial plateau during internal rotation and anterior translation of the tibia accompanying an anterior cruciate ligament rupture (arrow in d). The subchondral bone becomes a problem in reconstructive cartilage surgery when violated, for example, following osteochondral fractures or in osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), thus leading to an osteochondral lesion. SIF in a 64-year-old woman with a complex tear in the medial meniscus with peripheral extrusion (arrow in a). Subchondral BMLs are an important feature of knee OA that is associated with pain and cartilage damage . The left knee and, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Diagram (a) and coronal proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed MR image (b) show an irregular hypointense line parallel to the subchondral bone plate (a) and curvilinear and open-ended laterally (white arrow in b), amid extensive bone marrow edema–like signal intensity in the subchondral region (*). Diagram (a), coronal proton-density–weighted fat-suppressed MR image (b), and sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image (c) show a bone marrow edema pattern “painting” the entire medial femoral condyle (* in b). Using paired t-tests which SBC may accelerate OA, radiographic features were scored according to standardized scoring methods c! No evidence of bone microarchitecture, a marrow cavity was filled with fluid that form of. Termed the subchondral bone cysts ( SBCs ) are sacs filled with fluid to resemble a cyst ``! Mri afwijkingen bij patiënten met familiaire... praktijk, wel voor wetenschappelijke doelen 1 avenues. 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