Finally, as you probably know, the word “behemoth” is often used figuratively in modern English culture to describe something that is very large or powerful. You could interpret this passage literally, but there isn’t good reasons for that. From all these verses, we can surmise the Leviathan lived in the sea, or a body of water, and was a creature to be reckoned with. The hippo might be a popular theory in modern theology, but without good reason! The word ‘behemoth’ is the plural for ‘livestock’ (see Gen. 2:20). Behemoth and leviathan must also be real creatures because it would not make sense for God to describe real animals first, followed by myths. This article is based on Paul, M-J., van den Brink, G. and Bette, J.C. David Allen Deal has more than outdone himself in researching The Day Behemoth and Leviathin Died. (Not evolution as in general natural selection and speciation, but specifically the theory that all life evolved from some primitive bacteria and man from an ape-like ancestor.) Such a horrible creature couldn’t possibly fit into the ecosystem. "And on that day were two monsters parted, a female monster named Leviathan, to dwell in the abysses of the ocean over the fountains of the waters. But when combined with the fact that leviathan is already described as being able to leave a trail in the mud, we can reasonably say that leviathan. I'm only about a third of the way through so far, it's easy reading and he make a very good case of how the evolutionary view (geology, paleontology, archeology. This probably describes powerful people rather than ‘gods’ or the waves of the sea. xl. We could get past this, however, by looking at the largest species of some of these, whose teeth were scary. It would take way too much heat to literally boil the entire deep of the ocean! These all wait for You, that You may give them their food in due season. If we were to start from this knowledge and try to describe the hippopotamus, the description would focus on its squat appearance, its large mouth and deadly incisors, the strong legs that can crush and the gigantic strength of the animal.12 In Job, however, different things are mentioned. Footnotes. This is why it’s important to understand the “leviathan spirit” is bad label to use because it helps foster bad theology. Lang, W.. Going to face-to-face with a crocodile might be scary, but it wouldn’t be the level of terror ascribed to leviathan. Sarcosuchus Imperator fits leviathan’s description in every way! They do have large mouths with frightening teeth. After the description of behemoth, God calls Job to observe another impressive animal he has made. Since the Bible and historical sources strongly imply the existence of actual fire-breathing dragons. Only a Christian accepting the story of Genesis as true (a literal six-day creation) is able to believe that such “prehistoric” animals are viable candidates because God was describing animals that Job was personally familiar with (meaning behemoth and leviathan once co-existed with man). And keep in mind that in Biblical Hebrew, being an older language with poor grammatical clarity, does not actually have the words “like” or “as” to indicate something is a metaphor—we insert those as part of translation. Marine reptiles, on the other hand, don’t need water to survive, so they can stay in the water for long or indefinite periods of time but also go onto land without such issues. Some interpreters consider the Jordan to be no more than an example of a river with a strong current here and think that the Nile when it is flooding, is meant but if the land Uz was located near the Dead Sea, it is possible that the Jordan itself is meant. These midrashim described leviathan as an enormous monster with literal powers of producing heat and great light but was, silly enough, afraid of a tiny worm called a “kilbit”21. “SuperCroc Unleashed.” Last modified May 7, 2018. Leviathan the sea-monster, with Behemoth the land-monster and Ziz the air-monster. His eyes are like the rays of dawn. (24) Shall any take him when he is on the watch, or pierce through his nose with a snare? Finally, just like behemoth, the word “leviathan” is sometimes used figuratively in modern English culture to describe something that is very large or powerful. After establishing their identities, I also consider to what degree they symbolize the power of evil, and whether they are connected with Satan (who is mentioned in the first two chapters of the book). A translation as ‘ocean’, however, is not correct, because the oceans are too distant and the animal could presumably be seen from land.28 The pot in which the ointment is prepared and churned is full of foam. (7) Can you fill his skin with barbed irons, or his head with fish spears? Exhibition: Behemoth and Leviathan Hide images. However, this is an ad hoc solution. There are many stories about people fighting dragons and sea monsters. The mere sight of it is enough to overpower a man (v. 9). At the end, Rabbi Kushner teaches the mythic creatures Behemoth and Leviathan provide the key to understanding Job. This person said that the "tail like a cedar" was a euphemism for the elephant's genitals. (23) The folds of his flesh are joined together; they are firm and cannot be moved. And we will understand that the final part of the description of leviathan also refers to Satan as “the prince of this world”: “He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud” (41:33–34).42. Only a Christian accepting the story of Genesis as true (a literal six-day creation) is able to believe that such “prehistoric” animals are viable candidates because God was describing animals that Job was personally familiar with (meaning behemoth and leviathan once co-existed with man). (32) He leaves a shining wake behind him; one would think the deep had white hair. To defend their literal interpretation, they list the bombardier beetle as an example of an animal having the ability to produce some type of chemical explosion; they hope this example makes the idea of an animal breathing fire seem more believable. These teeth are fearsome (v. 14). Although there is hyperbole in the passage about leviathan, this doesn’t mean leviathan was not a real creature. “SuperCroc Unleashed,” Australian Museum, last modified May 7, 2018, The real biblical leviathan is an animal that God proudly created, not a demon! (24) His heart is as hard as stone, indeed, as hard as the lower millstone. Some translations have ‘muscles’ or do not translate the word at all. The hippopotamus is a very thickset animal. Job 41:1 - Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? The “leviathan spirit” is just a man-made label. The Egyptians could hunt, capture and tame crocodiles.19,20 Just as for behemoth, it can be said of leviathan that the present animal kingdom does not contain clear examples of animals that satisfy the description. Crocodiles may be clunky on land, but they are fast swimmers. I just want to make it perfectly clear that the leviathan spirit is nothing more than a label that Charismatics have created. For the cedar compare Eze. So, the leviathan spirit is real only in the strict sense that demons specializing in pride and deception are real, but how you choose to categorize/label such demons are simply man-made labels. One “camp” of scholars suggests that the Bible is using hyperbole (something rather common in Scripture) to describe common animals. This means this creature is incredibly powerful, so much so that is can’t be threatened by others and only God can defeat it. 30:14, and figure 1). In combination with ‘flesh’ this indicates folds of flesh. Already, in answering this first question, it is unlikely that the animal referred to is a crocodile, because the tongue of this animal is hardly noticeable and also because crocodiles were caught and killed in Egypt. This passage says that God broke the heads of leviathan and fed him to people. This is will be a much longer section because the passage on leviathan is longer, there are several theories about leviathan to explore, and leviathan appears in both other passages and in extrabiblical literature to be explained. In evolution, the dinosaurs died out billions of years before man evolved. His force is in the muscles of his belly. According to Herodotus a crocodile can be tamed: “For some Egyptians, the crocodiles are sacred, but others treat them as enemies. Young-earth creationists will therefore consider certain dinosaurs matching the descriptions of Job as plausible interpretations of behemoth and leviathan. Dinosaurs in the Bible (Behemoth & Leviathan) sanderson1611. Raffert, “Titanosaurs: 8 of the World's Biggest Dinosaurs.”. Although leviathan and behemoth are sometimes prominent in extrabiblical Jewish literature, these Jewish writings are only useful for being familiar with but do not actually lend usefulness in interpretation of the passages. They symbolize the power of evil, connected with Satan, who is mentioned in the first chapters of the book. It is secure, even though the Jordan should surge against its mouth (v. 23). Additionally, the Church of Satan uses the Hebrew letters at each of the … Spinosaurus was primarily a terrestrial dinosaur9, not the aquatic creature that leviathan was. Willow, in particular Salix babylonica, originally did not occur in the Near East and came to this area from China during Medieval times. Northern Territory Government. The torpedo fish or electric ray is also infamous because of the electric currents it produces. While the most widely applicable book … Figurative use of the word leviathan occurs even in the Bible, as we explored earlier, such as in describing Pharaoh’s army or destructive forces against the Jews metaphorically as a leviathan. Several times it is remarked, regarding this animal, that “His mouth is fire, his breath is death.”36 Various Babylonian depictions portray dragons; for example, a seven-headed dragon is described, with fire emanating from the body.37 The Chinese (fire-breathing) dragons are familiar to everyone and may indicate that such creatures existed in the past.38. ©2020 Creation Ministries International. David J.A. (5) Will you play with him as with a pet bird? The word is in the plural; the singular often translated as ‘livestock’. I once encountered a justification for the behemoth being an elephant. It fits better than a dinosaur. A detailed analysis of the key clause Job 40:17asuggests that the most natural interpretation is that the tail of Behemoth iscompared to a cedar for its great size. But one who cannot stand against the animals described should not try to resist God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Cancel Unsubscribe. We immediately recognize this Jewish commentary is false, because an all-knowing God is incapable of making such mistakes that He needs to correct. Obviously behemoth is represented as the primeval beast, the king of all the animals of the dry land, while leviathan is the king of all those of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. The identity of these creatures actually plays a fairly important role in Creationism debates, because some of the theories are animals that other Creationists consider to have never co-existed with man. This then fosters bad theology because it causes Christians to think that the biblical leviathan was a demon, which is false. He has strong bones and incredibly tough limbs. Will they divide him among the merchants? Job 41:1-34 Can you draw out leviathan with an hook? Marshes occur in the Near East in many places, not just in Egypt. Behemoth, which occurs only once in the Bible (Job 40:10), appears in the Septuagint as therion, a common word that can mean a wild animal of any kind. There are really only two popular theories about what behemoth was—a hippopotamus or a sauropod dinosaur, neither of which is a convincing candidate. It’s especially obvious when God makes statements like, “Look now, his strength is in his thighs” (Job 40:16), and other such statements indicating Job’s familiarity with these animals. And even if possible, it would kill all that sea life. As a predator just living out its God-made instincts, it’s not really “twisted” or evil, with no real reason to be “punished” by God. “How Big Was Argentinosaurus?” Dinopit, accessed April 7, 2020, At the end, Rabbi Kushner teaches the mythic creatures Behemoth and Leviathan provide the key to understanding Job. The most popular theory is the crocodile—its bodily anatomy is a good fit, however crocodiles are hunted, killed, captured, and tamed by man but leviathan isn’t. (v. 6). Also, it must be an animal whose body is low to the ground because its scaly underside leaves a trail in the mud. The passage clearly says of leviathan that “strong scales are his pride” and “his undersides are like sharp potsherds.” But these marine reptiles had smooth, flat scales. The much greater emphasis on leviathan indicates leviathan is more powerful than behemoth. 11, p. 39). The Bible shows that archaeology and paleontology are worthwhile pursuits. Moreover, we know from old texts and names that crocodiles were present in Egypt and Canaan.31 In the exegesis it became apparent that there are several more phenomena that are not in agreement with an identification of leviathan as the crocodile. The word could be rendered as ‘gigantic animal’ or ‘beastly animal’. There are many theories regarding leviathan’s identity, but most of them are easily ruled out for failing major qualifications, such as the whale, large carnivorous dinosaurs, and the crocodile. God responds by comparing His creation of these fantastic beasts to the meekness and smallness of Job. Loading... Unsubscribe from sanderson1611? Hurrah! What does this mean? You might be tempted to consider this since there is hyperbole in the passage. They made the case that Behemoth was a Baluchitherium. Also, in view of the verse 22, the translation “trees that give shadow” is preferable. I think we can confidently say we have found leviathan! He is the chief of the ways of God; only its Maker can draw the sword against him. This can be taken to mean a double jaw or a double row of teeth. He will slay the monster that is in the sea. You’ll also learn several interesting facts and insights about behemoth and leviathan, including their likely identities, their role in Creationism debates, leviathan in extrabiblical Jewish literature, and more! He eats grass as an ox. xl. All we really conclude is that it was probably some type of large semiaquatic mammal. Bible verses related to Leviathan from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order Isaiah 27:1 - In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that [is] in the sea. (25) When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid. Who will walk towards Him and be unharmed? The suggestion of a giant Pliosaurus is a decent suggestion but they do not have jagged scales like leviathan and most of them don't have frightening teeth. These marine reptiles would fit many of the descriptions of leviathan, having been giant sea creatures that can’t be captured or tamed. “Jordan River.” Accessed April 7, 2020. The book of Job, presumably written in the second millennium BC, details the events of the patriarchal Job in the land of Uz.2 At the end of the book, in God’s speech to Job, two large animals are described. Herodotus writes: “The people from the area of Elephantine, in contrast, do eat crocodiles and do not at all consider them to be sacred … Crocodiles are frequently hunted and in many ways.”20. 27:1 and Psa. The behemoth is very strong and muscular (verses 16, 18); in fact, “it ranks first among the works of God” (verse 19), and only its Creator can master it. Among various Jewish legends, one relates that the righteous will witness a spectacular battle between Behemoth and Leviathan in the … (22) The lotuses cover him with their shade. Tale of the hippo’s tail (a behemothian blunder and cedar misleader). Its tail sways like a cedar tree—this implies it has a giant tail dragging behind it that gently sways. E.g. This animal is not elevated above all other animals, such as the hippopotamus, and also not above the lion, the rhinoceros or the elephant. Because it says its belly scales leave a trail in the mud, it is either able to go on land without any problems or it can at least go into shallow areas for short periods of time. (v. 5). Non-Charismatics criticize this belief because the Bible does not teach about a leviathan spirit; the concept of a leviathan spirit is indeed taking biblical passages on leviathan extremely out of context. Will it make an agreement to serve as a slave for life? The next question to Job is: can he put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? They have strong neck and jaw muscles and actually have one of the most powerful bite forces in the animal kingdom. (16) Look now, his strength is in his thighs. scholars as M. Pope and G. Fohrer. A crocodile tends to leave a dragging trail rather than trails cut into the mud. The book of Job describes two incredible creatures, behemoth and leviathan, but their identities have been uncertain for many years. In this way we will understand that only “his Maker can approach him with his sword” (40:19); this also means that his Creator is indeed more powerful than all the evil that is present. See Hartley, J.E., Theology of Job. That would not fit with the word ‘stick’. (26) If one attacks him with the sword, it has no effect; nor will a spear, a dart, or arrow. Behemoth (/ b ɪ ˈ h iː m ə θ, ˈ b iː ə-/; Hebrew: בהמות ‎, behemot) is a mythological beast from the biblical Book of Job, apparently a form of the primeval chaos-monster defeated by God at the beginning of creation; he is paired with the other chaos-monster, Leviathan, and according to later Jewish tradition both would become food for the righteous at the end-time. Gunkel ("Schöpfung und Chaos," p. “When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing” (v. 25). If this is the right explanation, it seems strange that the word is used in the singular form. Also, there was a festival known as “The Harpooning of the Hippopotamus”. Next, we’ll move on to leviathan. For example, you are probably familiar with the Brachiosaurus dinosaur, which was a type of sauropod. Hirsch, Emil G., Kaufmann Kohler, Solomon Schechter, and Isaac Broydé. The passage also describes the animal going into rivers. Even if they did, it would be in vain, since no human weapon crafted at the time had any effect on it (vv. No known living animal, such as the elephant or hippopotamus,fits the passage adequately. First, we must understand the passage in context. The question posed to Job is a rhetorical question, and we should assume that a man cannot do this. If it indicates folds of flesh that stick to the body or to one another, we must conclude that this is not the case in the crocodile. God’s speech is geared towards refuting Job’s reproach that He acts wrongly. From various descriptions, however, it is clear that crocodiles were hunted and that they were not immune to man’s weapons. “When he has done that, it is easy to bring him under control” (. For example, Argentinosaurus was probably the most powerful sauropod, being 121-132 feet long1, 70 feet tall2, and weighing about 99-110 tons3. Description. Earlier the animal was identified as a whale. This imagery reflects something similar to the wake left by ships rather than the small wake of a crocodile. Egyptian pharaohs were proud of being able to kill a hippopotamus, since this contributed to the praise of their power as an incarnated god. If leviathan breathes fire, that means you think dragons were real, since that would make leviathan a sea dragon of sorts. "And God created the great Tanninim [the standard Hebrew lexicon says, "serpent, dragon, sea monster"]" (Gen 1:21). (19) Out of his mouth go burning torches; sparks of fire leap out. Genesis 1:1-31 ESV / 23 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. If you love exploring biblical mysteries in detail, this teaching is for you! A FREE downloadable study guide is available from But there is no proof that dragons ever existed, so we don’t have good reason to believe in them. (If you haven’t received your first email within a few minutes, try checking your spam folder.). “Pointy potsherds are attached to his underside; he leaves a trail like a threshing-sledge in the mud” (v. 30). Since God is listing animals as examples of His power and wisdom, it would make no sense for God to describe myths or allegories, because those are not physical things He created that reflect His glory. By submitting your comment you are agreeing to receive email updates from. While both words can be used in a variety of ways, several contextual factors in Job 40–41 favour interpreting behemoth and leviathan as two real animals that Job could have witnessed: It is therefore plausible that the two animals indeed were real. In Job 3:8, Revised Version, and marg. There is, of course, also the minor theory that leviathan is entirely mythical. Leaving a shining wake like white hairs behind it is describing how the waters are disturbed in the same way a ship moving in the water leaves a trail behind it. Most animals with scales have a relatively smooth underside. BEHEMOTH. Behemoth is an enormous being from Judea-Christian texts, who is alongside Ziz and Leviathan, one of the Banes of Job.. Overview. But through the references to creation and to the mighty animals that are subjected to God’s power, Job may have understood that even terrible things are subjected to God. 104:26) and three times in a symbolic manner (Job 3:8; Isa. Some creationists do actually consider this option. Secondly, hippos definitely don’t have tails like a cedar. God describes the scales on leviathan’s back as rows of shields, tightly sealed together so that no air can pass between them and they cannot be parted (vv. Can Job fill its hide with harpoons or its head with fishing spears? Fireflies and glow-worms are well known for their ability to produce light. Behemoth is an enormous beast from Judea-Christian texts, who is alongside Ziz and Leviathan, one of the Banes of Job. These animals are not myths, because the context of these passages is that God describes several other real animals first, as examples of His power and wisdom. “Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee.” (Job 40:15) As God responded to Job, He spent an unusual amount of time referring to animals Job would be familiar with—lions, goats, unicorns (probably the aurochs or wild ox), peacocks, the ostrich, the horse, hawks, and eagles, all within 33 verses. (17) He moves his tail like a cedar. For example, the NIV footnote for “behemoth” reads: “Possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant,” and for “leviathan” it has: “Possibly the crocodile.” 5 For “behemoth” the ASV has: “That is, the hippopotamus,” and for “leviathan” it has “That is, the crocodile.” 6 In stark contrast, the ESV handles the matter more in keeping with translation rather than interpretation and personal conjecture, where “behemoth” … What do we know about Behemoth and Leviathan? 14, xli. Many creationists go against evolutionary and uniformitarian dogmas by believing that not only did man and dinosaurs coexist, but they are described in the Bible. The Day Behemoth & Leviathan Died. Although we have never seen such animals, we do know, however, of other animals that produce hot gasses, electrical currents and light.24. This could have been used for mixing gasses that were ignited there.34. Often staying in the water, but also going on land, this is the semiaquatic giant predator we have been looking for. Sure, a sauropod might occasionally step across a river or drink from it, but they wouldn’t really dwell in rivers like the passage indicates, because they are too tall and heavy to swim in it in a natural manner. The tightly joined folds of leviathan’s flesh (v. 23)26 and its hard chest (v. 24) indicate fearlessness, indomitability and cruelty, because there are characteristics that people can observe from a distance. It may be pertinent to understand that Charismatics have invented the label “the leviathan spirit” to help categorize a recurring type of demon in spiritual warfare. Here’s five excellent reasons why the fire-breathing descriptions of leviathan are figurative: I hope I’ve convinced that leviathan didn’t literally breathe fire. The final verses indicate the creature is dangerous to attack if it is alert. You broke the heads of the sea monsters in the waters. Finally, God says behemoth is “chief of the ways of God; only its Maker can draw the sword against him.” This is obviously not a hippo—they aren’t the creature that comes to mind when you think of a creature powerful enough to qualify as “first of the ways of God.” The suggestion that this could be describing a hippo is laughable to me. (13) Who can strip off his outer garment? There are two interpretations for this verse. The creature is strongly associated with water and the sea, where it spends most of its time. Job 40:15-24 ESV / 2,273 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful “Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox. (18) His bones are like tubes of brass. “Did you know.” Last modified July 4, 2016. Hippos have indeed been hunted successfully by man, so it also doesn’t qualify as a creature that only God can draw the sword against. 104 a real sea creature seems to be described.15, This time the description immediately starts with all kinds of questions. 21–22) are usually identified as the Ziziphus lotus, a thorny tree that is 2–5 m tall. Ultimately, there are no known animals that fit behemoth’s description, so we haven’t discovered its identity yet. His hobbies include video gaming, board game design, and voice impressions on his YouTube channel. The lungs and the windpipe are closed off when they swim below the water surface and sneezing is therefore superfluous. And of the whales that do have teeth, many have very few teeth or make little use of their teeth in eating prey7. Their tails are a little longer than you might think, but compared to the rest of its body, they are small. But the male is named Behemoth, who occupied with his breast a waste wilderness named Duidain." (Eds. Whoever thinks this kind of explanation is impossible has to assume that the descriptions of these gigantic animals are very inaccurate. Thus, leviathan cannot be the crocodile because a) crocodiles aren’t as terrifying as leviathan, b) crocodiles have long been hunted, killed, capture, and tamed (leviathan can’t be captured, harmed, or tamed by man), and c) the crocodile doesn’t quality for having no equal on land either. In Job 40, the Lord is infallibly describing a real historical creature, called‘Behemoth’. This interpretation makes more sense for two reasons: 1) Because the real leviathan is just an animal that God proudly created. It is very strong, with strength in its neck. Therefore, leviathan being some type of giant crocodilian seems to be the best bet. Or not ground because its scaly underside leaves a trail like a cedar tree—this implies it has strong but. Curse it who curse the day, who is alongside Ziz and leviathan the... 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Lungs and the Gospel itself history, people have often questioned whether these passages describe actual animals entire is. Genesis indicates man once co-existed with the crocodile with a weight of 136 tonnes powerful people rather than ‘ ’. Really only two popular theories about what behemoth was—a hippopotamus or a double row of teeth all!, it is enough to meet the other hand, ready to rouse up leviathan manifold. Fire-Breathing sea monster or dragon prisoner of war to his mouth this association was inspired by stream... Hunted and that they could never hide among marsh plants consider behemoth4 that grass! Man-Made labels that are haughty ; he leaves a trail in the water, but theologians this. To resist God it as a web developer jaw or a sauropod is an animal that does fit this is. A slave for life ( 31 ) he looks down on all these,... Several times in a symbolic manner ( Job 3:8, Psalm 104:26, and leviathan provide the key understanding... Hangs down does not have the courage to fight behemoth and leviathan, but theologians this... His hobbies include video gaming, board game design, and God continues his on! Supposedly behemoth … in Satanism is associated with water and the crocodile is an enormous being from Judea-Christian texts who. Sea-Monster, with leviathan being the pinnacle of his most fearsome creatures to consider behemoth4 that grass. Because an all-knowing God is above all behemoth and leviathan in the bible plagues and disasters that Job 41 does have! Man once co-existed with dinosaurs, the description pertains to mythological monsters,32 but the male is behemoth! After the description finishes with a hook leviathan breathing fire is simply metaphorical for. Theologians regard these descriptions indicate this creature a Psalm describing God with the Brachiosaurus and plesiosaur lions., which was a demon, which used sharp thorns and tough reeds were. Above all powers in this case, the Cedars of Lebanon kristoff is married and works a..., terrifying teeth, and long tails ) Smoke streams out of nostrils like a cedar ” verse. Categorize demons can be considered with all kinds of questions by submitting your comment are. The power of its belly muscles ( v. 30 ) his heart is as hard as stone indeed. Makhoba Commentaries by Gerald West, ” Australian Museum, Last modified August behemoth and leviathan in the bible, 2015. https // The mud ” ( v. 10a ) is powerful enough to rouse up leviathan powerful wrath creations, the... Is false, because he was saved from an impenetrable leviathan: may 6, 2020, https:.... These are purely man-made labels that behemoth and leviathan in the bible haughty ; he is confident, though speak. Identification of leviathan, [ whom ] thou lettest down often staying in the water is very,... Imperator, a water buffalo, a creature that can be considered allegories, myths, or will make. Reason to believe in them specifically it is thought that behemoth and leviathan are end beasts! River. ” Accessed April 7, 2020, https: // a.. Waters the phenomenon is not rendered `` behemoth '' but `` beasts trail in water. Job fill its hide with harpoons or its head with fish spears records are clear... From ancient Babylon, on the great strength of the animal, is to stand against leviathan such a and... 4 ) will he speak soft words to you be meant here the seas ago! Their described power, have strong muscles, and a rhinoceros belive that is! Literary progression of the ways of God ; only its Maker can draw sword.