It contained more protein 2. And any slight odor dissipates almost immediately once it's applied to the soil. never heard of it before. Commercial fertilizers boost plant growth and yield by providing abundant … Experiment until you find a system that works easily for you. As bizarre as it sounds, your urine is a fantastic fertilizer for your marijuana plants. Since urine is 18:2:5, it's not good for fruit trees or vegetables like radishes, carrots, etc. ©2020 Verizon Media. So, what do I think of using urine as fertilizer? If you know it's safe, then it's all good! With a NPK level of 18:2:5, urine is an optimal fertilizer for plants during their vegetative stage of growth. "Squeamish" about pee? But we can fix that for free, too: Finnish researchers discovered that adding wood ashes to urine fertilizer for tomato plants resulted in sweeter fruit—and four times as much fruit! How do you use urine in the garden? Remember Carthage? It's good stuff! I would be glad to entertain any questions, comments or suggestions that you may have! Lemon trees prefer soil that is slightly acidic and while urine can make the soil too acidic, that isn’t the biggest issue. Medicines, hormones, preservatives, and bacteria from urinary tract infections can all show up in urine. And if you live near Burlington, Vermont, the Rich Earth Institute is actively researching the collection and use of urine as a fertilizer and is looking for donations. All rights reserved. I'd still exploit your boyfriend though. If you're willing to experiment, stick around to learn how you can benefit from using your own urine for plants and gardens. It is a great nutrient source for plants, but it also has some risks. Urine is … Please comment on this topic. The nutrients in pee are highly available to plants, too—an extra plus. Robie Benve from Ohio on January 23, 2012: wow... interesting. What a funny culture we live in! Corn treated with urine on right. Urine is very high in nitrogen. So when it comes down to it, it's really sad that urine use is limited by social taboos. A bale of hay Recent scientific studies have shown urine is a safe and very effective fertilizer for cabbage, beets, cucumbers, and tomatoes, and pretty much anything else you want to grow. Many wastewater treatment plants are now producing struvite- a white crystal- that contains magnesium, nitrogen and phosphorus and … Tips for Using Urine in the Garden When feeding plants with urine, always use a solution of at least ten parts water to one part urine. People have been using manure as fertilizer for millennia. Your garden vegetables will absolutely love what you have to give. This makes sense, since wood ashes have an N-P-K ratio of about 0:1:3, plus a lot of calcium. (like in the dirt), 2. not a conversation to have when you are proudly serving salad from your garden to dinner guest. Okay, I'll admit that it's not the most attractive catchphrase, but at least it's very factual. Fans of bathroom poetry (I must confess I am one) will recognize the ditty, "If it's yellow, let it mellow," to which I say, let's change it to: "If it's yellow, grow a tomato!". Should you seriously pee on your peas, tinkle on your tomatoes, and take a leak on your lettuce? Depending on which gardening circles you hang with, the concept of urine in the garden may already have surfaced as a discussion topic. Urine has all the macro-nutrients needed, as well as a host of micro-nutrients that boost plant production. I think it's great. Similarly, legend has it—and this widely disputed—that urine can be and has been used to help with curing human fungal problems, like athlete’s foot. urine as fertilizer is great because its free and effective i use it to grow lettuce and tomato in hydrophonic setup. Thank you for reading my article. Eric, Because of how I collect the urine the "5 gallons" is about 2/3 urine and 1/3 water, but still it is alot of urine. A study conducted by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found urine to be a hygienic means of plant fertilization. A handful of sifted wood ashes (save the chunks for the compost bin) will boost the potassium level in a bucket of liquid gold very nicely. As long as you dilute your urine with 20-25 parts of water, indoor plants won't smell. Storing in closed containers for a couple of weeks is also a good way to kill off any potential pathogens if someone in the family has been sick. Otherwise, it's best to collect the raw product in a container with a lid, perhaps with the help of a funnel or a "nuns cap" (a plastic contraption hospitals use to collect samples, which makes it easy for gals to contribute while sitting on the toilet as usual). Using non-fresh urine. Maybe that's a bit sensual, but seriously, vegetable gardens thrive with the use of a urine fertilizer. If it's okay for consumption, it's quite alright for the garden. Well, not on them, exactly, but if you aren't using your urine in your garden and on your compost pile, you are, pardon my French, pissing away a free, valuable resource and missing out an easy way to help close the gaping hole in your household nutrient cycle. I've have used it for years for great results. The process is never 100% sterile, but still very safe to use. Now...if I could just get our little dog to cooperate and do his "business" into a recepticle for collection. In fact, human urine is sterile, so long as it is taken from a healthy individual. So, If I pee on my wifes flowers in the is a good thing, right? One estimate suggests a family of four can produce the equivalent of more than 100 pounds of all-purpose garden fertilizer every year. One can observe how plants handle the quantities humans would produce by observing the yards of people with large dogs. catalystsnstars from Land of Nod on February 01, 2012: This is a great idea for sustainable living and gardening, especially when fertilizer is so expensive. Thanks for at least having the guts to read! Yes! Chemical fertilizers, while having some harmful effects, are also expensive. The phosphorus in urine makes the plant grow faster, helping it withstand stress and disease. Having said that, I'm sure that my indoor garden containing Swiss chard, garlic, green onions, carrots, radishes, mint, and dill would also chime in its appreciation, if only it could speak! I do know that urine is sterile when first produced. Seriously though, I agree with you on the fact that urine was designed for plant fertilization. While less of that is going on in the U.S., urine diversion toilets are available through specialty plumbing supply houses if you want to make the investment. This spring, my rhubarb plant, which had always been sad looking, was just huge and for the first time flowered. After all, plants don't care where it comes from. While the answer to can urine be used as fertilizer is a resounding yes, there are a few precautions you should take. So what's the deal? Didn't know this. Urine boasts a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) ratio of 10:1:4, plus more modest amounts of the trace elements plants need to thrive. The Institute's website offers good advice on collecting urine in general. For instance, using pure urine can be very beneficial for cucumbers. Perfect example of recycling! Human urine provides an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and trace elements for plants, and can be delivered in a form that’s perfect for assimilation. "Use of Human Urine Fertilizer in Cultivation of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)––Impacts on Chemical, Microbial, and Flavor Quality. Not every lady should donate. In comparison, blood meal is 12-2-1 and cottonseed meal is 7-2-2. How To Use Your Very Own Garden Gold (Free Deliveries Daily!). It had a healthy mix of nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphate, all of which are core elements in the creation of organic plants Oh, be still, my nickel-pinching heart! I heard that nitrogen will promote growth of leaves. Using urine in the garden can help you cut your water use (less flushing) while also cleaning up the environment downstream (no water-polluting fertilizer runoff). Phosphorus also supports strong root growth, which helps the plant take more … Oh, and the best part? I apply it directly and then just hose it in for a half a minute. Related: 7 Secrets For A High-Yield Vegetable Garden. The acid and salt released can bleach plants and grass brown like a fertilizer burn. If the plant receives too much water while the fruit is ripening, the skin will split because the fruit’s skin can no longer expand. Then i'd have to exploit my boyfriend for his Pee. You can also sprinkle a handful of wood ashes over every 2 to 3 inches of new organic matter in the compost pile. Take it easy! Urine as fertilizer in your home garden. You can even make crystal fertilizer from your pee. Cheers, Christo. Direct application is fine, in moderation, for compost piles (especially if you have loads of dry brown, high-carbon materials like fallen leaves, straw, or shredded paper that are crying out for nitrogen) and for straw bales being conditioned for use as planters. Thanks for reading. Urine also contains salt – sometimes quite a lot of it if you are hopped up on a diet of canned soup and french fries. The old trope that canine urine is a fertilizer is but a fertile lie: While urea is rich in nitrogen, and plants require nitrogen for leaf growth, urea is also rich in salt. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Urine Will Keep Deer From Ruining Your Garden. Glad I could show you. Because of … Watering is simply adding water to the potted plant - plants require lots of … Urine is naturally rich in nitrogen, potassium, and allow plant to grow a healthy fashion, because that's proper balance (ref composting with; Plant fertilizer) Watering which plants trees will benefit from using urine as a is it good to citrus trees . When feeding plants with urine, always use a solution of at least ten parts water to one … If you need to flag this entry as abusive, An essential daily guide to achieving the good life, The 10 Best Garden Crops to Plant This Summer, 7 Secrets For A High-Yield Vegetable Garden. In Europe, where a lot of research is focusing on closing the nutrient cycle and decreasing environmental costs, you can purchase a standard-looking toilet that has a urine diversion bowl, which makes the entire collection process hands-off. phoenix2327 - Hey, urine is just not for everyone! If you can manage to work past the squeamishness factor, all sorts of possibilities are unlocked—one of which is the great natural fertilizer contained in every drop of urine. This year though on a hugelkultur bed I apply ~10cups on 15 sq ft. and it is good enough for about a month (squash plants). I say go right ahead and pee on those flowers, but don't splash the leaves and do water afterwards just to dilute it! Part of HuffPost Home & Living. Samples said byproducts of the urine could kill grass, "Basically the urine is actually toxic to the leaf tissue." I'm absolutely in love with the fact that it's free and very effective. Urine is really great and to answer your questions: 1. The solution is still strong enough to fertilize, but diluted enough to never smell. Urine is just too valuable to be flushed away! The exact breakdown of urine varies depending on the diet of the pee-maker. And if your soil is very alkaline, wood ashes might not be the best choice, as they make soil even more alkaline. Human urine was impactful in the production of tomatoes for several different reasons: 1. A couple of things came to my mind while reading this: 1. when you use it to fertilize indoor plants, do they get smelly? As bizarre as it sounds, fresh human urine is not only high in nitrogen, but also improves circulation of other key nutrients in weed growth. I have read about people who have been stranded in the desert and actually survived reusing it for hydration. Urine contains significant levels of salt, which can build up in the soil in containers or even in garden beds when the climate is dry, injuring plants. Using human waste including urine has been a farm practice for thousands of years---when there was no inducstrial fertilizer. Urine for plants is one topic that I'd never write about without having not tried it myself. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. But this isn’t a complete urban legend: In theory, human urine could be used as a fertilizer for cannabis because it’s rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, all of which plants like. It's free! It's amazing! But don't go overboard: Ten to 15 pounds of wood ash a year is enough for a 1,000-square-foot garden. Chris Merritt from Pendleton, Indiana on January 24, 2012: this goes to show you, you can learn something every day!!! Collection for him is going to be easier. While urine is considered sterile, there are rare occurrences of bacterial infection that can contribute to bacterial problems around your plants. Apply diluted urine to the soil only when the soil itself is at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If your compost heap has a lot of straw/cellulose, then it probably needs more nitrogen. Urine for a pleasant surprise Human urine is one of the fastest-acting, most excellent sources of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and trace elements for plants, delivered in a form that’s perfect for assimilation. Voted across & UP! It was also uncovered that urine fertilized plants produced more biomass and exhibited faster growth rates compared to plants receiving a chemical-based fertilizer. I've used both my own urine and my girlfriend's urine to fertilize the garden. But ewwww...yuck! Just make sure you're healthy, not on hormonal birth control or any medicines and you'll be fine! Plain water on left. While we're not suggesting you drink your urine, know that astronauts on the International Space Station do drink the stuff—after it's purified. Let's face it. If you’ve ever spent any time with a dog, you’ll notice that … Rotate where you're applying golden irrigation so that all your plants get a turn every so often. Healthy human urine contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphate something we all know plants need to grow. You can reduce salt buildup by watering generously (enough so that water runs out of the bottom of the pot after the soil is completely saturated) at least once a week. If you're looking to pee and walk away, try a tree or shrub, they'll appreciate a full strength urine. its like just waiting for your free veggies.... Zach (author) from Colorado on February 04, 2012: Catalystsnstars - Urine is a great addition to sustainable living! The urine should only be taken from a healthy individual with a relatively good diet. Gardener Den. Add Ashes For More Flowers, Fruits, + Roots. Typical Western Diet pee has an NPK ratio of about 11-1-2. Related: The 10 Best Garden Crops to Plant This Summer. Have you ever noticed the yellow spots on the lawn where the dog consistently urinates? As a general rule, urine isn’t very good for most plants, including lemon trees. lol. Higher levels of estrogen can cause a lot of unintended issues with the environment. Urine boasts a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) ratio of 10:1:4, plus more modest amounts of the trace … Never use urine that is compromised. Blossom-end rot . But scientists now believe they can turn human urine into liquid gold—as composting material. Keeping an open mind is freedom from the chemical industry. I finally put it to the test this winter when I would pee out back of my RV. I had always wondered if urine would kill grass. christollesseb from UK ME ASIA on April 06, 2012: A Great Hub! That's fifth grade health class for ya, let me know if i'm wrong. Thanks for reading and take it easy! If you think about it, maybe our urine was designed for land fertilisation in the first place, before we started polluting our own water supply with it. So researchers have been looking for ways to process pee into a safe, ready-to-apply plant fertilizer. Looked like I had sprayed it with Roundup. Untreated urine also can contain harmful germs that might make people sick. When it comes down to it, both male and female urine collect bacteria through the urethra when exiting. If you follow a ‘Western’ diet, the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK) ratio is 11 … This is strange. Those on birth control shouldn't participate. Glad to learn this. Now, you may think that this is a case of “potato, potahto,” but it isn’t. As great as it is to see deer in … Nitrogen can also be a big help to the growth of your marijuana plant during the summer months. A real eye opener for most people. This isn’t an urban legend, your urine is a fantastic fertilizer for your marijuana plants. Being rich in nitrogen and potassium, it helps in making the plant more prolific. But spraying urine directly onto farm fields is impractical. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on January 23, 2012: Amazing! 4. Be sure to only use wood ashes from untreated wood (hardwoods' ashes have the most potassium), avoid burning large amounts of glossy paper, and never, ever use coal ashes. This one made me laugh, but what they don't know won't hurt them, right? It did indeed kill all the grass all growth where I peed. But in most cases, the concentration of nutrients could be too great, which can damage soil microorganisms and burn plants. Both nitrogen and phosphorus are nutrients that plants need to grow. Certainly a back to nature project & nothing to feel yuk about. The more protein a person consumes, the more nitrogen will be excreted into the urine. Zulma Burgos-Dudgeon from United Kingdom on January 24, 2012: While I'm not doubting the benefits of urine, I don't think I will ever get past the squeamishness factor and social taboo. ANSWER: Yes, your urine is a great fertilizer for plants that contains plenty of nitrogen and other vital nutrients. Urine, on the other hand, is a free alternative and environment-friendly. [1] Compost Booster: If you're in the business of starting a compost pile, treating a pile that won't 'heat up,' or getting your compost started after a cold winter, urine is the trick. I never had such healthy plants or a bigger yield. Really useful, interesting & splashes of humour in there too! Once a day or so, empty the accumulated urine into a watering can, dilute it with 5 to 10 parts of water, and sprinkle the mixture onto the soil around your plants, avoiding getting it on the plants themselves—especially the parts to be eaten—as much as possible. Jobe’s Tomato Fertilizer Spikes. I KNOW that I will never get my husband to save his for the compost bin. Peggy W - Ha, I wish you the best of luck trying to collect from your dog. In some areas, you can even contract with a service to come and empty the tank periodically and deliver your accumulated urine to an appreciative farmer. 2. Unless you have a serious infection, urine is usually sterile, and the chances of disease transmission from it on the household level are very, very small. It never even occurred to me as I thought it was only male urine that was sterile due to it going straight through the urethra. Is it safe? Pradhan, Surendra K., Anne-Marja Nerg, Annalena Sjoblom, Jarmo K. Holopainen, and Helvi Heinonen-Tanski. Thanks for the info! Take it easy! Urine is chock full of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are the nutrients plants need to thrive—and the main ingredients in common mineral fertilizers. I've used urine for over a year now and plan to continue with its use long into the future. Dennis Hoyman from Southwestern, Pennsylvania on March 21, 2014: Great Hub! I Its been this way in nature since animals first started to piss. The breakdown of your urine depends on your diet. You cannot water indoor plants with urine - you can, however, fertilize with it. One of the reasons that human urine is so good for plants is because it contains an abundance of auxenotriolic acid or “auxin A”. Auxins are growth-regulating plant hormones, some of which inhibit growth and others of which promote growth and root development. At that temp, the soil microbes will be active and ready to soak up the nitrogen and other nutrients. Just for good measures, stop administering the urine fertilizer two weeks before harvesting food crops. 'S a good thing, right cooking, aquariums, and take a leak on peas. Once a week is to see deer in … Animal Deterrent free alternative and environment-friendly in general FI Chor Andalusia... Ash a year now and plan to continue with its use long into the urine a alternative! Really useful, interesting & splashes of humour in there too Flowers, Fruits +! Farmers and gardeners are making use of it is just too valuable to be flushed away,. 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